Proposal for establishing an educational institution in australia

Document Type:Proposal

Subject Area:Education

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Before coming to Australia, I was a primary/secondary teacher at a school in my country. In Australia, the teaching profession is very demanding, and there are very few male primary teachers. So, I planned to take it up as my career and enrolled in this course. I envisioned great success in my teaching career, and was hopeful that I would be a leader, such as a principal, in an Australian school. But, I had a very eye-opening experience while on my teaching practice placement allocated in two different schools in Australia. The education policy practices concerning this critical incident are enacted, remade and reenacted through collaborations and sharing of knowledge by leaders from all over the world. Due to their entanglement in a range of contextual conditions such as leadership and globalization of education, these conditions are constituted by the education policy practices governing academic institutions.

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Leadership relating to this particular critical incident is conceptualized as in terms of a three-phased approach to experiential learning (Heslin and Keating, 2017, p. To employ a learning leadership orientation, I set learning leadership goals with respect to this critical incident. My learning leadership goals are mentorship, problem solving and innovation.  These facts motivate me to build on my leadership skills to establish an educational institution. There has been rapid growth of the Chinese language in Australian schools. The deep linguistic character, cultural diversity and educational exchange programmes, enriches leadership in Australian institutions. There are many Chinese teachers in Australia and this will assist in continued research and training. However, there are several key questions that I have to enquire in regard to my education policy practice (Bhengu and Mthembu, 2014). Because mentors always “spent more time in supporting novices to develop and organize specific curriculum, units and lessons” (p.

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I believe with such support the beginner teachers will be able to work effectively with time. I choose mentoring leadership practice to be incorporated in my education institution. Because it involves laying down specific goals, the ability to listen, be inquisitive, give counsel, and provide clear direction. Denee and Thornton (2017) point out that mentoring skills among leaders are fundamental. A leader should, therefore, accept this fact and work hard to learn in order to develop competency. Non-routine leadership practice Non-routine leadership practices are actions that are performed to handle new and emerging issues within educational institution (Heslin and Keating, 2017). I have chosen problem posing as a non-routine leadership practice in order to showcase how critical thinking is important among the teachers and students. In my new institution, I will use my problem-solving skills and innovation to modify the set policies to ensure the institution conforms to the changing trends in education.

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 As an education leader, I will ensure that teachers employed in my institution are professionals who have attained the requirements for the job. The attitude could have assisted me in perceiving the problem as an opportunity rather than a threat. As a result, I could have been able to think critically about the options that were necessary for solving the problem rather than running away. Applying problem posing in my education institution will provide a critical perspective when assessing leadership hypothesis and practice. Jenkins and Andenoro (2016) suggest that critical thinking is well connected to leadership growth. I will support positive attitude being an important role in the problem posing process. It aims at establishing universal teachers who have the capabilities of working across the world (Bottery, 2001). In this practice, teachers are highly collaborative and focused on the attainment of learner’s success (Wagenaar and Cook, (2003).

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The international policy of teachers’ development requires teachers to be innovative as leaders in order to come up with new ideas that will promote globalization of education. In my quest to open up an educational institution and be the leader, the policy in Australia will be an important consideration (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (2014). Additionally, there will be collaborative efforts from my partners and also the global set standards, both in knowledge and research (Denee and Thornton, 2017). When teachers share freely what they possess, they are able to develop trust among themselves (Wang, 2018). This will help them to promote transformational education that uses multiple teaching methods and relevant curriculum content (Haapanen, 2013). Conclusion In Australia, setting up an educational institution is a very risky business. However, despite the challenges associated with it, several educational leaders from my community have been successful in that venture (Appendix 1).

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Considering the compliance issues on taxation, the quality of education offered and rules of admission, I hope to get some guidance from my community leader. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 7 (1), 30-44. Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (2014). Australian Professional Standard for Principals and the Leadership Profiles. Carlton South, VIC: Education Council. Bhengu, T. Denee, R. and Thornton, K. Effective leadership practices leading to distributed leadership. Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Practice, 32(2), 33-45. Haapanen, I. Osteen (eds. Reclaiming Higher Education’s Purpose in Leadership Development. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Base. Jenkins, D. and Cutchens, A. Myran, S. and Sutherland, I. Problem posing in leadership education: Using a case study to foster more effective problem-solving. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 19(4), 57-71. Patrizio, K. Shapira-Lishchinsky, O. and Levy-Gazenfrantz, T. Authentic leadership strategies in support of mentoring processes.

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School Leadership and Management, 35(2), 1-19. Sun, J. Challenges in STEM learning in Australian schools. Retrieved August 20, 2019, from https://research. acer. edu. au/cgi/viewcontent. Wang, Y. The panorama of the last decade’s theoretical groundings of educational leadership research: A concept co-occurrence network analysis. Educational Administration Quarterly, 54(3), 327-365. Appendix 1 Professional Standards for Institution Leaders The Australian policy on institutional leadership is an important consideration (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership, 2014). Principals and leaders in educational institution have to meet set requirements and also have leadership profiles.

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