Psychology Literature review

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Psychology

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This study seeks to understand how the mind works, and how its operation affects human behavior. According to the APA, how the mind functions determine all human experience starting from childhood development up to the old ages (Seligman, 2015). The complexity of the mind makes the conditions that affect it be treated with a specialist and special attention; it is essential to monitor closely the individual that has metal challenges because if not carefully watched then the condition may be hard to reverse and treat. This article explains psychology, what it is all about, the branches and the benefits of it. How to detect someone with mental defects and a possible process of finding solutions as discovered by different scholars and institutions of medicine.

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In their operations, they serve based on different perceptions that may be constituted of religious (spiritual). Many types of psychology form forensic, cognitive, developmental psychology and social psychology. • Forensic psychology These are involved in the application of psychology to criminal investigation and constituting the law. The psychologist forensic practice it as a science in within the court and criminal justice. It looks at the cause of the crime, factors that might have influenced the illegal acts then finally present it to court. After which s/she will provide possible solution recommending it with the aim of treating the patient, this can be through either psychotherapy or counseling. Both the psychologist and the psychiatrist may play some other significant roles. They can be called upon by health authorities and any other bodies or may volunteer to carry on research/studies to give out advice.

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They can as well employ the strategy of examining the nonperforming children in the school establishing workshop and preventing the bullying in school. Psychology is the science of studying the behavior of the human brain. The central theory in this review is the relation between the mind and the body. In the counseling psychology, the assumptions that are discussed provides the flame work of this field. Psychoanalysis theories have mostly been looked at in this review. This theory is also known as a historical perspective of this field. In the spiritual psychology concept of spiritual health is the guiding doctrine of this review. In 1940 in America it’s where the counseling psychology emerged as an applied specialty. A new period of application for the hobby was initiated by the APA which made the counseling psychology to be recognized as the specialty by the APA.

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The creation of critical professional journals and essential conferences held across the year is a landmark in the history of the counseling psychology which led to the establishment of this discipline. In the history of the physiology psychology, the study of the anatomy of the nervous system has a long and distinguished history in the corresponding method. The structure of the nervous system has been emphasized more in the renowned journal of the comparative neurology. In the literature review, the discussion of various psychology domain is done and the analysis of different findings in the general field of the psychology. Discussion. According to Green (2013), the links of the behavior and organism’s physiology is the primary concern in which the psychological psychology deals with the function of the human brain.

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This is according to Green. Green further argued that, physiology incorporates of the physiology system in the human body such as the nervous system, endocrine system in the human body. In his research, He found that the electrodes can record the brain electrical activity. There are many number s of cells in the brain that are involved in evoking potential and Edge recording. Example of the noninvasive technique is where the evoked potential is taken from the cortex using the recording electrodes placed directly on the skull. In his study, he explains the method in various ways. Since the brain is always active, he argues that it is impossible to differentiate an evoked potential which is from a background electrical activity.

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These also involve the changes in the hormone system and other body chemical process. In his further studies, He explains the principle of interaction in the simulation study and appreciation events in physiology and behavior need not necessarily be troubled by philosophical arguments underlying this relationship. In his view, most people appreciate the relationship between the response and the physiology, but they don’t consider the philosophical issues to be resolved. Some transition process in the body is brought about by the intimate relationship between the events taking place under the skin and development occurring in the psychological realm behavior of the mind presupposes. In his modern view of the physiology, two different movements have come up during this period. The author further relates the physiological psychology with other various hybrids disciplines and embraces some other hybrids such as neuropsychology and psychopharmacology.

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In his research Wundt (2013 sees physiology and psychology as the field of the vital phenomena. The facts of human life are dealt with at large in these phenomena. The bodily process which is presented to us by these phenomena is emphasized more by the physiology. He further expands psychology as the field which gives an account of the interconnection between o processes which is evinced by our consciousness. Investigations are achieved through the physiology. Moschos (2014) in this review about the vision and its disorders in the physiology and psychology, the author tries to shows the relationship between the sight loss and the individual reactions are brought together by the physiological psychology of vision and to analyze them according to their data on the available literature.

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Patients who have vision impairment from depression should be referred for treatment by the ophthalmologist since recent treatment for depression are often useful and have few side effects. It is therefore recommended that vision rehabilitation be readily available. It is an enjoyable experience to see the surrounding world. This r/s is unique in that they concern person’s perceived relationship with some of the Trans decent reality. In his presentation, he gives the relationship between the r/s features and the personality tests involved in the five-factor model. He, however, gives the question of the validity of the r/s struggles provides the wellbeing of above and beyond the personality of the trait and the religious. In his study, the author tries to examine whether the r/s struggles feature mentioned in his study attributes to the role of God as perceived, in the spiritual growth to the satisfaction of life.

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Raymond, (2013) finds that theistic psychology can’t stand alone and has been integrated from the broader discipline of the psychology. Robert & Paloutzian, (2003) view the spiritual psychology as the acknowledged subfield of psychology which have since rapidly grown. It is thus impossible to provide comprehensive coverage of the religious psychology topics and development due to this rapid growth. The authors compare the early psychology of religion and the latest in his comparison. It is found that in the early days the psychological thinking was fresh and new. Also, the research method which they used was never dreamt of in the modern world. The morality relates other psychology domain with the psychology of the faith. The author has systematically tried to classify the strength and the human decency into a corporate taxonomy.

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The universal Principles in the human attributes such as love, forgiveness, hope, and self-control are viewed as human dispositions in most religious beliefs and are more accepted in the world ethical system. Loewenthal, (2014) in the psychology of religion defines it as the study of the functioning of thought and the study of roles of instinct culture in religious behavior and thought. The author brings in the difficulties of studying religion since no known author has ever defined what is the psychology of religion is. For instance is the misunderstanding of the practice between the orthodox Jews and the health professionals. The author describes how the parent of Hindu believer couldn’t let their son visit the psychologist due to some weird behaviors he had in the school.

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Christianity has the context of the development of the psychology according to the author. This is because it has the majority of followers and most of the economically western countries beliefs in it. The psychologist aspect of Christianity is that they believed in dogmas regarding sin. In his psychoanalysis view of the religion poses a lot of challenge to the religion. The way God is projected as a central figure and obsessional neurosis suggest that religion is an infertile and irrational activity. Religion was to fade away as science becomes more significant to the psychologist. This could into some extent weaken the belief of some psychologist who will agree to the explanation of the psychoanalysis. Most theologians get interested in psychoanalysis, and they have found it more agreeable than scientific varieties of psychology.

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This idea influenced another psychologist to prophesy several implications on the practice of the psychology. Each dimension of wellness in the spiritual wellness includes the attention to the spiritual component. Further spiritual wellness can be achieved through counseling to the individual who is in the state of spiritual wellness. Psychotherapy could not be the best procedure to provide the assistance process of the mental and spiritual growth. Spiritual growth can be achieved through a practiced art called dream level therapy. In most of the intuitions such as hospitals, schools, colleges, and universities it's where we, find most of the psychologist who deals in the field of the psychology of the religion. The author views on the psychology of religion and the general psychology are that they are linked in several ways.

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In the psychology of religion, the aspects of religious experiences and the brain mechanisms are researched. While in general psychology the physiological mechanisms underlying the behaviors, perception, sensation and human development are dealt with in this field. Also in the psychology of religion, the author says that one's religious feeling and motivation on how the individuals can use their cognition to know better about their religious experience on social psychological expertise involved in interpreting life circumstance in a spiritual way like allocating an event to God. This framework leads to self-aware of the social change with the emphasis on value-based participatory work and the forging of the alliance Heather m Bauer (2013) in community psychology has given out some of the aspects which make it the source of an idea to the field of psychology.

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Such elements include ecology theory, sense of community, providing care to the marginalized community and many more. The area of the community psychology was born in 1996 by us psychologist according to heather m Bauer. Social environment, mutual influence between people and ecological theory are among the filed in the community psychology. The author further says that community psychologist works to reduce stigma in the community which is marginalized by appointing some of the community members as agents of change in their community. Community psychology works with members of community in promoting change in researching and evaluation to recognize the situations about their own problems in the society. In their research setting community, psychologist works with nonprofit organizations, community organizations and government positions.

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They work directly with the organization such as schools and groups in the city, and they refer to themselves as community practitioners. They are also those who do the research and teach and do an evaluation on how the community practice is built, and they refer to themselves as the academic researcher Margaret (2008) describes community psychology as a unique field that deals with an individual in a community and the environment around and the more significant social life that affects them. The emphasis that is put more in this field is the focus on the wellbeing of the people while working together with the group. A multicultural perspective is enhanced in the community psychology field. Equality and justice can be gained through research done to benefit the diverse population.

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In the way of promoting individual wellness in the community, the psychologist is more concerned with the wellbeing of the people psychologically and physically. Kelly (2008) Gives the oral history of the community psychology through some scholars who did the psychology work from academia to career disseminating principal of community psychology. The author narrates how the experts gained a clear understanding of how applied community psychology is connected to history, context, social movement and individual personalities is revealed. Problems associated with the mental disorders, emotional and physical ones are dealt with by the counseling psychology. This field also deals with the developmental issues. The primary purpose of this arena of the area is to bring about a will change to the associated in dividable.

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Suitable changes and desires are brought about by the consular who provides the facilities to achieve these changes. The main aim of counseling is to help the affected person to overcome the occurring problems and to coup with the future issues. The author sees these activities like the one that brings someone conscious awareness to the negative thinking and the self-talk that is common to many kinds of depression and anxiety. Self-doubting, fearful, anxious and feeling down are the negative and self-critical self-talk that demoralizes the ego of the person. The effects of the low mood are lack of sleep and lacking appetite and feeling of low energy. I am a failure I can’t do it no one wants to talk to me are the examples of the typical negative self-talk that most people who are depressed have.

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In his journal, he speaks of how domestic violence can be resolved through counseling. His view about the future development of the counseling psychology, the psychologist in the field, should do much better in examining, the nature and application of the psychology knowledge got from the research originated from a bottom of the psychopathological constructs. The client who attends the therapy after counseling, wellbeing based study and preventive models could be used to promote direct engagement knowledge and insight provided by the counseling psychologist could be used to tackle the stigma of mental health. Bantjes, (2016) the result of apartheid and social, the political history of a country could result in the development of counseling psychology to the specific state. The results obtained mentioned factor could lead to counseling psychologist in these nations to tackle opportunity and challenges for the future.

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The psychologist work in that nation could. A wide range of a set of clinical and non-clinical settings has been informed by the practice of the counseling psychology which has a philosophical orientation towards personal centered approaches that focuses on the healthy development and empowerment. The counseling psychology has contributed to the needs of country mental health care. The new ideas in psychology have considerably been supportive to innovation integration and innovation. In modern psychology, new concepts such as innovation and technology have greatly helped people doing theoretical work to learn about and for the world of the psychology to gradually become accustomed to theory related activity. The new ideas improve the knowledge of the psychologist by nurturing theory, innovation, criticism, and integration.

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From a base of the psychopathological constructs, the counseling psychologist would do well to continue to examine the nature and knowledge obtained from the research. This will have an enormous impact on the future psychologist In the physiological psychology depression and suicidal behavior should be prevented by the establishment of guidelines. This is from the findings in the study on the subject of how being visually impaired could lender to the patient seeing himself as the severe punishment in the life. The low vision patient could be helped by close cooperation between the ophthalmologist and mental health profession Those who have high spirituality were affected by the social support and other demographic factors. These were the main implication of this study in the spiritual domain discussion.

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W. , Lochman, J. E. , & Selinger, H. V. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 8(3). Blundell, J. Physiological psychology (Vol. Routledge Bond, M. A. , & Smit, E. A critical review of practices of inclusion and exclusion in the psychology curriculum in higher education. Psychology in Society, (49), 7-24. Chaturvedi, D. K. , & Galbraith, V. (Eds. The handbook of counselling psychology. SAGE. Friedman, H. Physiological psychology: an introduction (Vol. Routledge. Guskind, R. Brain, mind, and medicine: Charles Richet and the origins of physiological psychology. Routledge. L. , Scott, A. B. , Hipp, K. , Belavich, T. Kelly, J. G. , & Song, A. V. Community psychology in practice: An oral history through the stories of five community psychologists. A. , Patel, S. , Weiss, L. , Wilson, K. L, & Chopra, D. Murdoch, D. D. , Gregory, A.

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