Qualitative and Thematic Analysis of Distance Learning

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

In addition, the same research established that the enrollment growth percentage was about 21 per cent, while the overall increase in higher learning was only 2 per cent. Furthermore, the 21 per cent rate of growth for the distant enrollments far surpasses the less than 2 per cent increase of the general higher learning student populace. The totals show that distant learning has turned out to be a critical mode of instructions’ delivery in higher education. Even though the total number of students pursuing online programs is increasing, research shows that the learners are in several ways similar students pursuing courses offline. According to Kumaravel & Manoharan (2010) students have a tendency of being the same when comparing gender, physical distance, race, and socioeconomic status from the institution.

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Rationale of the Study The practical implication of this research is to shed more light into the experiences of distance learning. The fact that I plan to work overseas, this research study is going to contribute greatly to my success since through the distant courses I will be able to learn and understand various oversea languages and culture. According to Turoff, Discenza & Howard (2017) students having positive encounters are more probable to re-register in distant courses in the future; hence, an institution seeking to increase their online registration would gain from such data. Information regarding student encounters can as well shed the light to assist faculty and the institution to organize and deliver better programs, which could assist in improving learning of students in such programs.

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In addition, such information could assist faculty and institutions in determining what issues students face online, which can in turn enhance retention as well as persistence in in the online programs. As such, technology enables social integration to transition from face-to-face communication into more embodied communication forms; thus, participants within the internet environments are capable of engaging outside of each other’s presence (Turoff, Discenza & Howard, 2017). In essence, while technology is capable of making social relationships more reasonable, at the same time, the physical disconnect may generate more intimate relations. This research will use the theoretical model in helping to interpret the data and create themes. Research Design The design will employ the use of literature reviews and semi-structured questionnaires. The design will start by framing a single extensive research query: How do learners describe their distant learning encounters? This question will allow for an extensive initial search for the studies.

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Thematic Analysis Thematic analysis is among the most effective qualitative analysis methods. It is as well among the common qualitative analysis forms. It was introduced as a distinctive instrument and method applicable in diverse methodologies. As such, thematic analysis refers to a methodology of identifying, assessing, and reporting the patterns in qualitative information. The technique is a process for evaluating texts as well as transforming various data into detailed and rich information. The researchers will limit the review to published, peer-reviewed articles, which add quality control built-in layers (Ruth, 2018). Articles, which will not include comments from students and interview data, will be excluded from the study. Analysis In order to assess the results, the researchers will start locating and deconstructing the findings encompassed in the articles.

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This will mean summarizing articles as well as extraction of the findings. After extraction, the findings will be marked as credible, unsupported, or unequivocal (Castleberry & Nolen, 2018). Timeline The research timeline below indicates the progression of activities, and how the objectives and goals of the project will be achieved accordingly and punctually. The basis of the timeline is to guide the researchers to conduct their experimental operations consistent with the stipulated timing to avoid unnecessary lateness and ensure every step is conducted on timely manner and perfectly. AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC LITERATURE REVIEW DATA-COLLECTION SAMPLING DATA ANALYSIS PROPOSAL PRESENTATION REPORT WRITING REPORT PRESENTATION Ethical Considerations In the current study, various factors would be incorporated, including: the past performance of students, online learning goals and objectives, demographics, attitude, confidence, technology competencies, virtual ability, familiarity with the computers, speed of individual learning, communication, system security, content and information update, use of multimedia, content and information quality, interactions, bandwidth and internet speed, cooperative learning, experimental importance, role of instructors, need assessment prior to the course, and educational approach, to mention just a few (Castleberry & Nolen, 2018).

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Some of these factors would involve breach of individual information of students, which would result in individual breach of students’ personal privacy. Some of these information when leaked to the public would serve as potential channels for hackers to commit cyber offenses and several other kinds of felonies. Although some of the liability will rest with students, much will be on the instructors in order to generate vibrant online encounters, which would permit for fresh intellective competencies to be generated and utilized (Castleberry & Nolen, 2018). The thematic assessment and synthesis will offer an analysis of the experiences of students with distance learning. As such, it will be essential to start uncovering the experiences of students with online training since doing the same would assist in illustrating the efficient online exercises, students’ online learning perceptions, as well as students’ gratification in online contexts.

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