Qualitative research report: experiences of patients living with diabetes mellitus

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Philosophy

Document 1

Diabetes mellitus as per World Health Organization (WHO) (2019), it is a serious disease which is caused by acquired or inherited deficiencies of production of insulin by the pancreas. When insulin production is low, it means the body does not have the ability t control the blood sugar. Diabetes mellitus occurs in two types: Type 1 and 2. Australian Health Department (2016) for instance estimates that a population of 1. million people in the country live with Diabetes which is 5. Hanna, K. M. Calamaro, C. J. Experiences of college students who are newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Fictitious initials for the participants were used to represent the thematic processes used in the data analysis. The main findings of the research are clearly defined; they are: diabetes affects all dimensions of life especially for the females.

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Secondly, the school set up affects their diabetes treatment and management. Thirdly, diabetes diagnosis helps in maturity, and lastly, the study gave various ways for diabetes treatment and management in college. The main ethical consideration of this study is consent; however, in the study, the ethical considerations have not been stipulated. Journal of physiotherapy, 65(1), 37-42. This qualitative study is conducted on women who are pregnant and have gestational diabetes mellitus to give their insights and feelings about the sources that talk about physical activity. This study when analyzed with CASP appraisal finds out that the researcher put into considerations a number of issues. The aims of the research have been clearly stipulated in two research questions. The qualitative research design is used in the study, and this methodology is appropriate for the aims of the study.

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Study 3 Mathiesen, A. S. Thomsen, T. Jensen, T. Schiøtz, C. The recruitment strategy was ideal as the researcher explained to the participants what they were required to do and this made five to decline meaning the recruitment follow the stipulated guidelines. The data collection method employed in this case was the interview method where all the 12 participants had a deep interview using the interview guide that was semi-structured. This data collection method was justified as it also helped to address the issue in question in the research. The relationship between the researcher and the participants has been well established, and this made all the 12 participants contribute to the interview. The data analysis employed in this case was inductive content analysis. For instance, all the people cited having some difficulties trying to understand and getting used to their new diet.

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On the other hand, having other activities such as exercises and daily medications made some people feel negative when it comes to the study. Therefore, the paper's findings are similar that the patients felt disoriented when it comes to their diet and other post-diagnostic activities that are necessary. On the contrary, there were several variances in the study since the participants in the two cases were gestational pregnant women with diabetes mellitus. Therefore some of the experiences, when compared to that of the college students, became different as the context at which the students were into that of the pregnant women. References American Diabetes Association. Gestational diabetes mellitus. Diabetes care, 27(suppl 1), s88-s90. Australian Government Department of Health (2016). Diabetes. L. Taylor, N. F. Frawley, H. C. The influence of diabetes distress on digital interventions for diabetes management in vulnerable people with type 2 diabetes: A qualitative study of patient perspectives.

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Journal of clinical & translational endocrinology, 9, 41-47. Saylor, J. Hanna, K. M.

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