Research Ibsens A Dolls House

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Literature

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Similarly “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen is centered on the life of women in the Victorian era. “A Doll's House” uses Nora Helmer to capture the trials and tribulations of women in society (Henrik, 19). It explores the status of women as it mirrors the way women were victims of social forces which rendered them as doll wife. Thus, this research seeks to shed insights about the portrayal of women during the 19th century. Specific focus will be geared towards exploring women disillusionment and their response to disillusionment. For instance, Women were mistreated, abused and oppressed by their male counterparts. Torvald is seen insulting and belittling Nora calling her names like “obstinate little person" women had no say in the society even when provoked; their male counterparts had the final say, the male did all the decision making.

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In “Middlemarch” Victorian women only thought of fashion and marriage and their sole objective was to find an intelligent man who will care. Women had almost zero privilege of owning properties, and they were also restricted to performing professional jobs because they lacked advanced education. However, they only teach and also worked as domestic servants as well as factory workers and agricultural laborers. Henrik Ibsen depicts women treatment as very negative, just like it was in George Eliot’s time. Henrik Ibsen states that women were expected to stay at home and perform all household duties that was expected of them by their men and the society at large. Nora position and image in the play “A Doll’s House” reflects the ill-treatment of all women during the 19th century.

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Most of the women in America during the 19th century had experienced the same problems that Nora experience in “A Doll’s House” this argument is consistent with George Eliot’s argument in his work “Middlemarch”. I find the author's arguments convincing because the dominant male society highly suppressed women in the past and that kind of suppression was against the human right. Well educated men in the community were entrusted great position and power. Therefore, this research seeks to explore women's rights as it was during the 19th-century specific attention is focused on explaining property rights, voting rights of women and protective labor right. Property Rights In “A Doll’s House” Nora express her fantasy of inheritance. Nora desired to have a property of her own, In fact, at some point, she wishes that after the death of her husband she should be named the beneficiary.

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However this did not happen because she forsake her husband and children for her freedom. The society was designed in such a way that women were limited political, economic as well as social spheres. Protective Labor law Many women were restricted from undertaking professional jobs. However, during the industrial era, many women started entering the industrial labor force. In fact, a higher number of women entered the workforce during the world war one. The entrance of women into workforce prompted the establishment of a women's bureau of labor department that initiated the move to pass laws that protect working women. Middlemarch. Random House, 2010: 47-66 Henrik, Ibsen.  A Doll's House. Lerner Publishing Group, 2014: 12-27 Kent, Susan Kingsley.  Sex and suffrage in Britain 1860-1914.

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