Rework Reduction in Engineering Construction Reports
Document Type:Creative Writing
Subject Area:Engineering
Love, 2004). It also refers to efforts done more than once in an activity (J. L, 1992) it has lowered the work output by disregarding, the time schedules and cost implications whereby activities have to be redone. According to a research done by the Building Research Establishment (BRE), rework usually occurs at different stages during a projected lifespan and that majority of the defects in buildings had more than half of their origin in the initial stage of construction and nearly half in the phase when construction was taking place. Further research has shown that some of the challenges emanating from rework include time and schedule overruns, customer dissatisfaction and deviations in the quality of work done (Adnan Enshassi, 2017) The root causes of rework have been found to be poor leadership and communication which involves the client, consultants and contractor, inadequate human resource capability, poor construction planning and scheduling and late architectural design or engineering reviews.
It also refers to efforts done more than once in an activity (J. L, 1992) Rework is a huge contributor to schedule and cost. In vast complex environs, which involve several scopes of trades, installers and suppliers, and, where a wide array of activities take place one after another, the chances of one getting defects, omissions and other bad management practices will often lead to ignorance which advances to severe failures that must be redone. Project managers in COAA have struggled to align the projects they undertake with the plans they initially draw. This has failed tremendously leading to slow progress of projects and losses. Poor construction planning and scheduling- This slows down the construction process if there are untimely deliveries and materials do not meet the specifications required. d. Late Architectural Design or Engineering reviews- Late design changes are normally costly and time-consuming.
Errors and omissions have significant impacts which prove to be costly in the long run. Definitive systems are used largely in the research process with cost control and the time duration schedules being needed fixtures that are necessary. Most managers implementing projects intend to complete their projects in a faster and affordable means which they hardly do even after utilizing their resources to the maximum (Babji et al, 2017). Therefore, they carry out projects in an elaborate and efficient way. The pace which project managers put on a project in cases of incomplete works usually results in a compromise on the resource allocation done as well as the quality of the project in the end. This leads to compromises on the way the work is executed and the final results are mistake inceptions which are discovered at the final stages of the project.
In the event that the process of repeating a task is not discovered in the initial stage of design, the end product is additional work in either the execution or during construction. In this research, there is need to cross-check various studies on the subject matter and outline a substantial comparison at the lapse of the process. The hypotheses of my probe are as follows. This study seeks to show; a. There is no response mechanism so as to stimulate the trend of the unexplored process in the establishment of a double-phased project methodology. b. Due to the numerous activities taking place one after another, there is a chance of errors occurring, omissions and poor practices in management that lead to quality failures, which need to be reworked. Errors; this has been stated as unintended deviations from the correct and acceptable norms.
They lead to the cost and schedule of the project overrunning which are have proved to be irrelevant and avoidable. This has therefore led to the need for rework reduction in construction projects. To demystify this problem, it is critical that the factors necessitating rework in construction projects be evaluated and analyzed. Furthermore, a lot of reports initiated by the government have condemned the industry because of its split nature, poor communication and interaction between project partners, relationships based on contract, and inadequate customer-supplier identification, and inefficient use of current technology. Poor practices in the industry have added to the loss of time, irrelevant misuse of costs, increase in errors done, and general misunderstandings, have contributed to the process of rework in projects. Furthermore, rework is known to be a key factor contributing to overruns in time and schedule in projects.
Cost overruns and delay are quite rampant in the construction industry. This is mostly attributed to changes incepted by the client which are numerous and end up creating costly ripple effects which result in time loss and inactivity during the whole process of supply in the project. The developed model vindicated that only the OCV (original contract value) and the site pertaining the regression model developed by the companies headquarter The sort of project that is concerned, the type of system, the OCD (original contract duration) and the type of contract. Which corresponds to the technicality and the degree of advancement of the project, were represented by the OCV. This rework prediction model is based on the original project circumstance which allows strategies to be established before the beginning of the construction of the project.
This procedure is done to minimize lack of certainty, to disengage the end result from the project schedule and cost thus escalating productivity. According to (P. The model that was developed had the following inter-related sub-systems: the process of inducting a design team, a process of contriving tasks, fallible tasks during contrive and re-contriving designing planning tasks. The system mechanics model which was initiated has enabled us to unmask a chain of technical challenges into more controllable interconnected aspects. However, suggestions were that the model could only enable project and design managers to have a clearer understanding of the process of structure approval and how errors associated to design come about in building projects. To minimize the occurrence of errors in a project, the project implementers ought to have an executable procedure to check various options in order to manage the documentation and the design more efficiently.
It was seen from the setting analysis that short-term goals like hiring from spatial networks to withstand sharp increment in dire need for plotting team, issuing reduced contrive fees to contend a contract successfully and sequentially giving meagre remuneration to the design team are seen as inefficacious administration practices in the long haul. • The aforementioned factors have similar characteristics; delay, additional labour and more materials cost money and overruns in cost are the biggest rework indicator. A solution to curb this is having a well-defined construction plan equipped with better management practices that would take into account contingency provisions to cater for unforeseen circumstances. Designing a model that takes into accounts such as a type of organization, type of project, contract type and the OCD (original contract duration) gives us the best alternative.
This model design needs to be a representation of the technicality and the scale of the projected, represented by the OCV. The original project conditions form the basis for the rework model prediction. This makes rework a cost on the contractor’s side. It has also been seen that there exist rules which protect the contractor just in case design changes, and the contractor had already embarked on the construction of the previously-delivered design. This is not the contractor’s mistake and should, therefore, be introduced to a subsequent bill of quantities. The recommendations to minimize rework in construction projects would be to involve all the groups involved in the design process in such a way that before construction commences, everyone is at the same level. This would also ensure that in the case of construction of complex structures, it would be known beforehand if the contractor will be able to implement that design.
Use of a Likert scale-like questionnaire will also be used to help get data from previously finalized projects so as to quicken the research process as well as to avoid any form of bias. Simple random sampling technique will also be used, as mentioned earlier, to derive a quick sample of 50 project members. CONCLUSION Rework in engineering projects is a big problem all over the world with the capital needed for rework alone ranging from 5 to 20% of the whole value of the contract. This affects the project success tremendously. This paper has captured various factors causing rework such as communication management, the scope of the project, the current active reworks, management of subcontractors, the process of contract management, the capability of the owner, field management and project process management.
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