Role of Translation in Waiting for the Barbarians

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Literature

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On the one hand, some students believe that a group of people can be judged by comparing the culture of their country by the culture of another nation. On the other hand, several other students argue that one person must experience the culture of a specific country before judging a group of people. The author of the novel “waiting for the Barbarians,” allows the reader to gain a vivid picture of the communication between distinct characters. Based on the title of the book, it is evident how the author undermines the barbarian language (Coetzee 34). He portrays it as inferior and somewhat filled with historical connotations making it substandard to conventional languages. To understand each other, translation is essential so s to bridge the communication gap available. Without any form of translation, the magistrate’s endeavors in the barbarian villages would have been deemed impossible (Coetzee 45).

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After reading Waiting for the Barbarians by J. M. Coetzee, a conclusion can be made that both arguments are valid. The barbarian community is left predisposed and forced to retaliate in their ways. In addition to the personal connection with the native girl and the journey to the land of the barbarians, Coetzee exhibits a dominant language through the symbol of truth by proving that a group of people can’t be judged off of the comparison of their own respective country. Coetzee’s use of seeking the truth through the painful trip to the barbarian land also opened the eyes of the magistrate and made him realize how stupid his empire is towards these barbarians. After being convicted of treason for going to the barbarian land, the magistrate believed that the legitimacy of imperialism in his realm led by Colonel Joll causes unfair detrimental actions towards the barbarians.

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The magistrate thought that the ignorance and the lack of knowledge of the empire towards the barbarians caused “border troubles” (Coetzee114) throughout the region. According to opinions by different critics, the delay of meaning in the text only goes to show that a single interpretation of the language could prove to be adequate for both the readers and the magistrate. This being the case, it is safe to assume that there are instances where communication was incomplete between the barbarians and the empire. Translation about the Colonial Endeavor The presence of imperial authority can be viewed as the backbone of the overall novel. The imperialistic power and domination are seen how it plays a significant role in erasing both the culture as well as the language of the barbarian community. The author highlights the various instances where the colonial authority would venture into vast barbarian lands, capture and bring them back to the empire for torture and interrogation.

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Coetzee also uses the magistrate’s question as a gateway to many other inquiries. Not only did his question led to many other investigations, but the curiosity of the magistrate led to a life-threatening visit to the barbarian land in search of the truth. In his dreadful journey to the barbarian land, the magistrate realized the pain and struggled that the native girl and many other barbarians have to bear throughout their lives. Through his experience, the magistrate was also able to “tell his story and know the truth” (Coetzee 71). From his own experiences, the magistrate understood what it was like to live the life of a barbarian. The author highlights the various instances where the colonial authority would venture into vast barbarian lands, capture and bring them back to the empire for torture and interrogation.

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Translation, is required to ensure that the two have sufficient and adequate communication strategies. Within the historical colonial period, the barbarian language was viewed as unintelligent, meaningless and straightforward to the imperial powers. The novel attempts to analyze the relationship between barbarians and civilization. Works Cited Coetzee, J.

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