Sales script example

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Business

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Thank you for making time to meet us on such a short notice. Buyer: Hi Onkar, you are most welcome. What can I do for you? Seller: I hoped to speak to you regarding the laptops stock for your customers. You are a busy man, getting this opportunity was not easy. After the sale, I would like for you to let me in on how you manage with the busy schedule Buyer: We are very busy especially during this time of the year. It is such a great feeling in the world of business. It is interesting that you have searched on my blogs, anyway, people’s opinions counts but the personal opinions should outstand all. It is important to make the society feel your opinion as a unique and powerful one.

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However, having come to my conclusion on the opinion, I considered how honesty and great customer service impact the successive performance of the firm. Those are the basis of winning a customer in the company and therefore increasing the margin profit of the firm. The speed of the machine is very high therefore, saving on time and increasing the performance. The battery of the laptop is also long lasting and hence, increasing the reliability. Customer benefit approach Buyer: Am looking for a well differentiated product, something the market is not currently addressing adequately that will help me sell as well. Seller: Allow me to start my laptop to go through the catalogue detailing the product specifications Buyer: That is totally fine, please go ahead.

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Seller: As we wait for the computer to start, what do you consider the most important aspect customers are looking for in a laptop today? Situation Buyer: Most of our customers are looking for reliability in terms of performance and processing speeds, battery life, stability, as well as the availability of after sale services; a few customers are also concerned about counterfeits. Also, this product has varieties of long lasting batteries which would ensure reliability of the laptop by the user. How long have you been experiencing battery issues with your current products? Problem Therefore, we shall meet your satisfaction for your clients. In our company we offer warranty extension. It will guarantee the customer’s repair of the product is catered for and this would give them peace of mind.

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How would your firm benefit from the customers satisfaction provided by our product? Need pay-off Buyer: That is great. We also have an attractive commission program to ensure that you are adequately compensated for the after sale services. FAB. Our overall goal is to minimize customers returns as much as possible unless in other causes such as falling or abnormal power. What would be the effects of commission program on the present issues of your concern? Implication Buyer: The location of the supplier firm is of great concern in enhancing the availability and reliability in satisfying the client’s after sale services wants. The customers requires accessible location where it would take short time to access warranty services if required. Dell has the corei5, 3 GB ram and above, 8th generation, and from 500GB hard disk range of laptops at a fair price.

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It is a standardized laptop which would fit the storage needs of customers’ information. The company benefits from meeting customers wants of standardized capacity of the laptop. FAB In addition, the weight of the laptop offered by Dell is light to carry. The students or any other client would get it easy and convenient to carry along. Even better, the product line is also acceptable for light weight to mid-range gaming as well as business and enterprise needs. That ensures that your market is large for a single product category. For Dell product, this category ranges from $600-750 mostly and the recommended retail prices are $850 to $950. How would solving small market range contribute to the number of units of the laptops you would move in a month? Problem Buyer: In case the market range is increased, the number of laptops would be from 200 during the low season and 450 units during peak.

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Seller: That is impressive, I can already tell you qualify for the 30 day credit period depending on the rest of the aspects. Objection acknowledged. To sort the demand aspect out, we have an integrated marketing program that will improve your visibility in the market at no extra cost. Compensation method I also understand your concerns on how the client would learn the working of the product and avoiding many complaints from the clients on complication use of the product. Objection. However, our company provides experts who explain the manual use of the product. What do you feel about the solutions offered by the product as we have discussed? Trial closes Buyer: Yes it would accomplish the customer satisfaction, and would help the company in increasing the profit margins and also in accomplishing its objective.

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