Screening and Treating Addictions

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Psychology

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This number is tremendously big signifying that more of this population is addicted to alcoholism. The paper focuses on the screening and treatment of alcohol addiction, screening tools, and treatment intervention will be examined particularly cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and its implication in addressing the alcohol abuse challenge. Introduction Understanding the concept of screening and treatment of addiction requires firs knowledge of understanding the terms individually. Addiction is the chronic brain relapsing disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use irrespective of the harmful effects. Addiction is often considered a brain disease since the drug changes the brain functionality, in terms of how the brain work and its structure. Screening tools and therapeutic intervention relevant for the addicted client will be examined besides the treatment of the addiction from screening to the therapeutic intervention.

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Screening Tool for Alcohol Addiction Screening tools are used to identify individuals using alcohol substance in a risky way requiring intervention and treatment. There are several tools for screening alcohol addiction, among them, includes Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT), the Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol Scale Assessment (CIWA-Ar) and Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire (SADQ). AUDIT was developed as a mere tool for screening excessive alcohol use in addition to helping in brief assessment. It helps in identifying excessive drinking and the illness accompanied. Different forms of therapy are available for the addiction clients. These include: Behavioral therapy that is directed towards obtaining goals related to the current life of the client. The unhealthy behaviors are examined in this therapy; the situations that propagate them are also identified and addressed.

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Behavioral therapy takes different forms including psychoeducation and planning where the therapist educates the client on conducts that are maintaining their addiction. Assertiveness training that improves the clients’ level of communication geared at making them expressed them honestly while being respectful to others. Customers in CBT have a tendency to figure out how to distinguish and amend flighty practices by utilizing a scope of different abilities that are material to stop liquor utilize while tending to a scope of other related entanglements. A focal component of CBT is envisioning the issue and upgrading customer's discretion by helping them built up the best adapting system. Specific methods incorporate investigating the positive and negative impacts of proceeded with liquor utilize, spurring the customer to perceive wanting impact, and distinguishing the circumstances that put the customer in danger.

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Potential Benefits of Cognitive Behavior Therapy Intervention It is common for clients suffering from alcohol abuse to have destructive and negative thinking. CBT addresses harmful thoughts that enable clients to recognize their ability to practice the positive way of thinking regardless of the distressing situations. Conclusion To conclude, the alcoholic addict client can be screened using different tools of screening among them being Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) for screening over the excessive use; the institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol Scale Assessment (CIWA-Ar) for estimating alcohol withdrawal disorder and Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire (SADQ) for estimating the seriousness of the alcohol reliance. The best therapeutic intervention and treatment for addressing alcohol addiction include the cognitive behavior therapy that responds adequately to relapse when dealing with drinking issue.

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