Second language Training and learning

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

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The reason why they are considering is to share information as well as the ideas. Furthermore, I would employ the teacher-made assessment that would be meant to test whether my students are doing regarding second language teaching and their progress. I would ensure that they start with an evaluation of the oral skills whereby they are given the opportunity to discuss their peers as well as their family so that they can feel comfortable by ensuring the similar assessing the similar topics. I would design an oral interview whereby there is a list of five question appropriate for the age as well as the gender level of my students. The questions I would arrange in a manner that they require a simple answer to the ones that will need a full response ad more time.

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Some of the rubric scores were based on the effectiveness of communication whereby it assessed the student ability to employ the strategies that would compensate their conversation to have the smooth and flowing discussion. A student was not to be graded based on their previous studies with would include grammar since that would have disadvantaged them and so they were no internalized. In the case of the pronunciation, the accent would not have to be penalized, but only in the event where it interferes with the communication such as word ending and mumbling, the task completion was to be done only when the student develops an idea where no information is missing. The students were assessed in groups where the test consisted of two-part the interview and the story retelling.

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The assessment lasted for a total of 9 -15 minutes where the student gave factual information in the interview following the prompt cue cards that were used to ask questions. I would plan for six with also a group of six students read a short story them allow them to retell the story so that I can examine the level of understanding as well as grasping what is already taught in class. As I encourage them to retell loud the story, I would make sure that there is no cultural bias in as much as the story do not have to be the ones that they have come across in the classroom. I will ensure that I consistently read the story to them many times so that they can retell it one given the opportunity to do so.

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When conducting the oral assessment, I would make sure that I do not dominate the talk so that I can allow the student to interview one another in their groups while am walking around with a checklist where I will appropriately indicate the rate at which each of the students has when it comes to language competencies. Additionally, I would also employ an approach where I give directives to the students through which I use the cue card that encourages them to ask questions in the course of the interview or instead interact (Harmer and Jeremy, 313-316). The designed evaluation included the cue cards, narration, interviews, oral report as well as the giving instructions were of great essences in the task assessment since they are intended to produce a teacher training program that helps to not only plan but also design a task assessment that is valid.

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Besides, oral language assessment is practical only because the students were able to interact with one another in a story retelling as well as the interview. In the group of six students, each one of them got the opportunity to participate in the part of the story retelling so that their proficiency can be determined following how well they not only understand the English language but also communicate (Derwing et al, 655-679). During the storytelling, I did it practical so that the students can pay attention to how the story was flowing from the beginning to the end so that they can as well retell the whole story. Therefore, the student general ability to communicate did the assessment practices. Derwing, Tracey M.

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