Separation anxiety disorder in children

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

A child with separation anxiety disorder becomes agitated at the thought of being way from his or her parents to the extent they complain of sickness, avoid playing with other children, or refuse to attend school. Description of behavioral pattern Separation anxiety disorder main characteristic is reflection of excessive anxiety when a child is separated from a caregiver especially a mother. The disorder causes great distress that could pose risk for future psychopathology. Basically the child gets overwhelmed by the feat that something terrible could happen to their parents as a result of separation (Allen et al. For instance, a child could fear that their loved once may become sick. When asleep children with SAD experience nightmares about separation which further disrupts their sleep.

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Separation anxiety disorder not only interferes with the child’s development but also attachment figure and other family members (Allen et al. Parents may suffer from stress when their activities are limited since the children refuse to be left alone and cause tantrums. Additionally parents may not have the ability to spend time alone since most of their attention is diverted to the child which may strain a marriage. If a child tend to cling to one parent for instance the mother, the family is likely to experience dysfunction and exclusionary behavior towards the other parent. 5% which recur till they mature to adulthood. Notably the disorder is more common among girls and women rather than boys and men. The mean age at which the disorder is likely to occur is between the age of seven and eight although study shows there are chances it can begin earlier or later in the adolescence.

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Epidemiological study shows that this disorder is the most widespread form of disorder among children and the most recurrent psychiatric disorder after alcohol abuse and depression. Notably, SAD is strongly comorbid with other forms of disorder such us mood swings. However, females are more affected compared to men in general. Ecological factors and social justice implications SAD affects both social and emotional development of those involved. Moreover, a child avoids aspects that are important to normal and healthy development. Family life is also affected in that activities get limited to negative behavior, frustrated parents since they have no time for themselves, and constant jealousy for attention given to children with the disorder (Towe-Goodman, et al 2014). When a child or adolescent suffer from the disorder for a long time without treatment, they are exposed to the risk of developing other long-term effects.

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The family goes through strained relationship, poor social interaction, and restriction of activities. The implication on the family is geared towards predicting whether the child gets the care he/she requires or not. For instance, parents are forced to avoid situation that provokes the disorder such as not placing the child in day care or having them sleep on the parents’ bedroom. As a result of disruption of normal functioning of the family, those affected are exposed to conditions such as stress. Intervention methods The sooner a parent intervenes and seeks help for a child suffering from SAD, the more likely the child will develop positive outcomes within a short period. Moreover, a parent becomes more responsive, pays more attention and encourages positive behavior.

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Cognitive behavior therapy is also recommended to children with SAD since they are taught how to recognize and deal with their anxious feelings as well as manage to deal with physical responses to the worry associated with the disorder. Notably, since the condition affects the wellbeing of the whole family, it is crucial that family members go through family therapy so that they can learn how to interact with the child and develop strategies to help the child once anxiety strikes. Conclusion Separation anxiety disorder is a common problem among children and adults that can be treated easily if properly addressed. However, parents play a vital role in eradicating or enhancing the disorder. 1080/15374410903532619 Carmassi, C. , Gesi, C. , Massimetti, E. , Shear, M.

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