Sepsis research proposal
Some of the proposed mechanisms of addressing this epidemic include educating nurses and other healthcare providers on the effects of untimely response to sepsis, setting up of triggers that assist in early detection of the illness, creating response teams to deal with the cases of severe sepsis when reported, and setting up a sepsis worksheet to monitor the crucial steps in the treatment process. Various evaluation mechanisms should also be formed to determine the effectiveness of the intervention mechanisms such as monitoring the changes in mortality rate, response to sepsis, and the cost involved in the treatment process. Introduction The human body is affected by various conditions that influence its ability to function effectively. One of the common and prevalent health conditions include sepsis that influences human response to infections (Balk, 2014).
This is, therefore, a leading cause of death today, and a widespread problem. S. and this cost continues to inflate at an overwhelming rate, in fact, it has tripled within the last decade. Also, sepsis has been named as one of the leading causes of hospitalization to patients above 18 years and contributing close to half of the total patient mortality. This is the reason behind the acute necessity of a plan to prevent and treat sepsis. Tiru, Bogdan, et al. Here, blood samples are taken and cultured after a patient gets a sudden fever. This process may take a long time before the results are out. Furthermore, when using this technique, the findings may miss nearly half of the infections likely to affect the patient. Due to the delay and the lack of sufficient information from the blood cultures may prompt the healthcare providers to prescribe antibiotics in a move to curb the fever (Prescott et al.
Such a move normally results in overtreatment since it is very challenging to distinguish sepsis from other illnesses. Besides, the patients are being affected after treatment. Exposure to antimicrobials is reducing their chances of positive response to therapy. Moreover, overuse of the drugs destroys microbes and other bacteria which are essential for better health. In the end, a patient immune system deteriorates which increases the chances of re-admission. Plan for Quality Improvement Nurses should be equipped with better education on the detection, prevention, treatment, and management of sepsis. Nurses can contribute to the treatment of the illness by acting as educators and consultant, thus improving the effectiveness of healthcare services. This leads to better health outcomes while maintaining knowledge and awareness of ailment. Therefore, nurses should be placed in a position they can easily detect sepsis and take the necessary treatment measures.
They should be able to advise the patients and their families. The aim is to be able to detect the sickness in its earliest stage by employing their knowledge and skills. Sepsis teams can easily be notified through overhead announcement alerts and attend to the patient using minimal time. The current response to sepsis calls for a clinician to find the different doctor who should take care of the patient. The process takes time, and the patient suffers psychologically and is bound to bear a more significant financial cost. Lack of teams can confuse staff when there are overhead alerts. They may not be aware of the different name codes given to the emergencies, especially if they attend to various hospitals. However, Resistance to the interventions is expected, and the staff should be in a position to clarify information and explain the necessity of change.
Some of the information related factors that will be monitored include treatment variability, cost per patient and mortality rates. The intervention mechanisms will be effective if the mortality rate and cost of treatment reduce. Some of the measurable criteria that will be collected during the intervention is the number of deaths after sepsis has been detected, number of sepsis patients whose illness is detected before the condition is severe, the time taken between detection of sepsis and administration of medical care, the number of cases where clinicians fail to administer the essential treatment to patients, and the amount of money spent by patients and healthcare facilities when addressing the illness. Besides, the condition of patients will be reviewed after the treatment process and the number of failures recorded. These interventions should be accompanied by a continuous performance mechanism to ensure the health of patients and the state of the healthcare system is enhanced.
Although such interventions are costly due to the training of the staff and acquiring of the new technologies to use in EMF’S, they help in improving healthcare systems, thus improving patient health safety. Therefore, they will be fewer deaths associated with sepsis ailments, thus reducing people’s mortality rate. References Ani, C. Farshidpanah, S. F. Edwards, J. M. Kallan, M. J. Virulence, 5(1), 4-11. Prescott, H. C. Langa, K. M. Sepsis biomarkers. Clinica Chimica Acta, 440, 97-103. Tiru, B. DiNino, E. K.
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