Service Adhesive Case Study

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

Some senior management attributed failure of these methods to reverse the situation to the below average skills by employees and lack of motivation among the employees and also they were reluctant to adapt to organization changes (Slack et al. Service adhesive Ltd was using the traditional hierarchical organization structure which had five layers of operational management that is from the top management that was the plant director to the least bottom person who was the shop floor operative. In this type of management the chain of commands followed the established channel and was supposed to be strictly followed thereby leaving employees with little or no option to contribute new ideas in the day to day running of the company. This could also have made employees feel that they are not part and parcel of Service Adhesive Ltd and therefore they were reluctant to work toward the betterment of the company.

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After management failure to reverse the situation using the above mentioned methods they decided to visit their adhesive customers and also some leading companies to learn from them. On team based structure there will be delayed in decision making as most members will have to have their input on the decision to be made. In groups there is also greater chances that conflict can arise between the individuals which can lead to separation of group members this can greatly affect the functioning of a group. Team based structure is a decentralized form of organization structure which can lead to problems when it come coordination and control this is different from hierarchical where coordination and control is from a central region that is from management(Gundogan).

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Employee empowerment has become vital aspect in today organization management. In employee empowerment the organization management tries empower their employees so that they can be involved in organization decision making without having to consult the management. If these employees are left to do job together on their own they may create state of disorder to the team thus contributing to team failure to deliver as required. ERP-“Enterprise Resource Planning” is used to bring the operations of an organization together with a central point of control that is a common database. On implementation of ERP system Service Adhesive Ltd could reap several benefits associated with use of ERP system some of those benefits may include: i. Through use of ERP system the Service Adhesive Ltd can be able to streamline, improve and control the operations of the organization.

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ii. For ERP system to be of any benefit to an organization it should be implemented correctly. If the system is not implemented correctly it may adversely affect the organization functioning. For successful implementation of ERP system there are several critical factors according to Umble, we have the following nine success critical factors. I. At first there should be clear understanding of strategic goals. And the management need to keep track of how the project is progressing (Umble et al. IV. Another factor is change in management of an organization. This is very critical as you find that organization may face resistance from the employees and even customers so there is always need to restructure or change the management of organization (Umble et al.

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V. Then another factor is focusing on measuring performance, here the performance of the ERP system should be evaluated to find whether the system is meeting organizational goals and how its meeting them. IX. The last factor is multiple site issues which is always fundamental to ERP system. It always present challenges during implementation and therefore need much attention of the top implementation team (Umble et al. When we talk of continuous improvement it is that aspect of organization to continue improving their working methods, their working procedures, their systems and reduce the operations costs in order to continue producing quality products and services and which are cost efficient. • There should be training and learning among employees so that they can have clear understanding of the organization activities.

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• Then there should be employee empowerment where employee need to be given an opportunity to be involved in organizations decision making this will make employee feel that they are part and parcel of the company thereby improving their productivity. As the company transit from traditional hierarchical structure to team based structure there are some management implications, like in the case of traditional hierarchical structure, leaders or the management was the one which was giving orders that is telling organizational employees what they are supposed to do. The management also were the ones to set standards of production process and even the goals. So this will not be the case as the company transit to team based work structure where goals are always set from the bottom person and the leaders are to be evaluated based on their performance on these groups and not their span of control and performance management is done continuously(McDowell et al.

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For Service Adhesive Ltd to have effective team they should follow the following stages in coming up with their team: • The first is the forming stage in this stage the team members are brought together and they get to know each other. Then they establish the goals and the tasks to be accomplished by the group. • The next is storming here members are getting used to each other and are more comfortable and can feel free to air their views in a group and even they are willing to compete for roles in the team. • Then there is norming in this stage the group norms and expectations are set, then members develop trust to each other and also gain some common interests with each other.

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