Should stem cell research be able to use stem cells from aborted babies to cure diseases

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

These stem cells have special characteristics that include, reviving themselves through cell division after a prolonged periods being inactive. Secondly, under noticed physiologic conditions they have ability to instigate to tissues or organ-specific cells with unique roles in some organs such as the gut and bone marrow where they repair and replace worn tissues. In November 1998, researchers delineated successful isolation human embryonic stem cell which took the at most two decades to come up with a concrete results. For researchers to get stem cell they had to extract a mass from early human developing embryo where those embryos were destroyed in the process of obtaining the stem cells. Therefore, the research publication created intense debate between those who gave the approval to embryonic stem cell research put forth, and those who opposed the entire research citing out the bad outcomes associated with the research.

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There are a lot of view discussed as follows for example how ethical abortion to obtain is elaborated, advantages and disadvantages of stem cell, and how moral the research is exposed. Importance of stem cell research to human being Stem cells have the ability to generate and replace worn cells lost through injuries, wear and tear or diseases and they offer treatment for such. The only hard work is of reparative medicine which refers to cell-based therapies done in laboratories. This study has given scientists a chance to enhance their knowledge, discover important properties, essentials and screen new useful drugs as much as solving most causes of birth defects to pregnant woman. Scientist prefer using this therapy because there are less chances of the transplant being rejected because these cells are kind of capable of giving rise to several cell types.

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Therefore, if there is no other choice rather than killing the fetus to give out for purposes of research the lady can decide to give away (Cunha et al 2016). It is exception if the notion on which embryo is created and then be destroyed, that is not permissible. With all that said we may justify that as much as the practice is harmful it is on other side good to many future lives, the future doctors who will save lives using the therapies from stem cell research awareness. Advantages and disadvantages of stem cell research. To begin with are the advantages. There might develop contemporary cancers, cataract, uncertain host diseases especially in allogeneic transplant only and even can cause certain death to the donor while obtaining stem cell through abortion.

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There are associated side effects of using stem cell therapy that include diarrhea, fatigue, low level of red blood cells which can cause anemia, mouth sores, low levels of platelets which decreases ability of blood clot, vomiting and nausea. Conclusion In conclusion, I strongly argue that there are more benefits of using stem cells from aborted babies to cure diseases that risks associated with the process of abortion although I don’t mean that these disadvantages are insignificant since they stand for and protect human ethnicity. My suggestion following my arguments I explained about acquisition of stem cell. It raises more serious concerns towards moral status, which makes it difficult for the donors’ contribution being proved reasonable. OUP Oxford. Hurlbut, J.

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