Similarities and differences between christianity judaism and islam

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Religion

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They also emphasize a special covenant with God, for Christians through Jesus, Islam through Muhammad, and Judaism through Moses (Religions Editorial Office, 2014). The three religions have deep connections that can be traced back to the time they were formed. The religions were crafted from one another and developed to what they are today. The similarities in some of their doctrines are evidence that they developed from one another. For instance, Christianity began as an offshoot of Judaism during the 1st century C. The origin of Islam shows its deep connections to both Christianity and Judaism. Islam arose in the settled desert community of Mecca (presently Saudi Arabia) in 7th century C. E. Islam developed from the Christian-Judeo tradition and nomadic cultures of Bedouin tribes of Arabia.

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The expansion of Islam spread into regions controlled by the Byzantine Empire that were mainly Greek speakers and Christian Orthodox, and the Sassanian Empire that was officially Persian and Zoroastrian speaking. People in these regions shifted religions and embraced new doctrines. For instance, Muslims claimed a new prophet had arisen in Arabia. Jesus The three religions have a different perspective on Jesus. Christians consider Jesus as the Messiah and savior. Muslims believe that Mohammed is the prophet instead of Jesus, while the Jews think several prophesies, as stated in the bible, have not been fulfilled and thus leading to the conclusion that the messiah is not yet born (Paldiel, 2012). Also, Christians believe that any other prophesy that was not met will be fulfilled at the time Christ’s returns to glory, as stated in the book of revelation (Seat II, 2019).

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Jews also believe that the biblical teachings that Christ would usher in a new era of world peace, as stated in the book of Isaiah 2:4 was not attained. They also claim that Christ failed to unite all humanity (Zechariah 4:19). I think the Jews consider Christians to have misread and misinterpreted the bible, especially in several things touching on Christ. Historically, the Jews did not have a good time with Christ, and I believe they crucified him because they considered him a false messiah. Muslims believe that Jesus was just a prophet like any other (Ilyas, 2014). They agree on several aspects within the New Testament but rarely concur on the New Testament that mainly talks of the life of Christ on earth.

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Muslim is the youngest of the three religions and began several centuries, having been crafted from the two. It seems most of its leaders rejected Jesus with the belief that they had been inspired by God through visions. However, Muslims believe that Jesus was holy at the time of birth, especially because of virgin birth and conception. On the other hand, Jews are not widespread as the three religions and are only concentrated in the Middle East, therefore are not changed much unlike the two. Generally, all three religions preach peace and are monotheistic and consider one another as children of God.   References Ilyas, M. Women affiliated with Muslims Against Crusaders and Women4Shariah. Journal Of Muslims In Europe, 3(1), 49-65. 1111/muwo.

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