Sleep disorders among minority groups in the us

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

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Minority groups in the United States are less likely to go through and enjoy optimal sleep than whites. More specifically, there is a growing concern that consistently supports sleep disorders and sleeps health among racial and ethnic minorities in the United States. Although it appears difficult to assess the sleep minorities among the minority populations since they assume it to be reasonable and healthy, minority ethnic and racial groups are at increased risk for sleep disorders and low sleep quality. Given that insomnia and sleep disparities can be solved through behavioral measures, it is essential to reflect the correlation and prevalence of these disorders among ethnic and racial minorities. This paper will investigate the relationship of insomnia with Race, Age and Gender as well as propose strategies that help address the disparities in these diverse groups.

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The majority of the literature for this research appeared to support that there was a high prevalence of sleep disorders among racial and ethnic minorities. The incidence of health duration of sleep in the United States was lower than among African Americans and Hispanics. There were 66. of regular sleep hours among the whites, suggesting that the ethnic and racial minorities experienced unhealthy duration of sleep (Peña et al. The rates of unhealthy sleeping hours were even higher among special minority groups, such as army personnel. More specifically, women experience regular physiologic periods such as pregnancy, menstruation, puberty and menopause that influence their sleep patterns (Grandner et al. Gender differences in sleep have appeared after the puberty onset. More specifically, presence of sleep disorders or rather the lack of enough sleep can primarily affect the life of a woman during the distinct physical and hormonal changes at particular points in their life.

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Therefore, there are gender differences in the quality of sleep, latency, duration of the sleep and architecture among the population. Age Interestingly, there was a massive difference in the teaching of sleep habits among children of various races. However, there was a contradictory result of prevalence of sleep disorders from an education level perspective, with some scholars associating sleep disorder with lower levels of education as other scholars discuss insufficient sleep to be evident among those of higher education levels. Most of the literature sources supported the sociocultural elements and their relation to insomnia and insufficient sleep among the ethnic and racial minority groups. Although intervention and longitudinal studies largely demonstrated the impacts of the sociocultural factors to be lack of sleep, the review pointed to complex interplaying factors that are crucial for consideration in the treatment and prevention efforts (Guglielmo et al.

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There is need for more research to examine sociocultural risk and protective factors to successfully incorporate such domains into treatment and prevention. Moreover, longitudinal studies are necessary for understanding the relevant characteristics of sociodemographic and their relation with insomnia and insufficient sleep. Conclusion The study has contributed a quite different perspective in approaches for conceptualization of health and culture in the exploration of disparities in sleep health among ethnic and racial populations. Increased diversity in communities and the growing evidence sleep disparities necessitates the need for a paradigm swing in sleep medicine. There are high incidences of sleep disorder and disparities among the ethnic and racial minorities, gender and age, causing different health challenges. Minority groups in the US such as minority races and ethnics, children and women experience insomnia and sleep disorder compared to the other groups.

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Sleep disparities and insomnia among these minority groups in the United States need to be addressed. E. Racial discrimination mediates race differences in sleep problems: A longitudinal analysis.  Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 23(2), 165. Grandner, M. A. Garbarino, S. Association between socioeconomic status, belonging to an ethnic minority and obstructive sleep apnea: a systematic review of the literature.  Sleep medicine. Guglielmo, D. Gazmararian, J. M. Spence, D. W. Chattu, V. K. W. Redline, S. Taveras, E. M. Racial/ethnic and socio-contextual correlates of chronic sleep curtailment in childhood.

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