Southwest Airline analysis

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

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I will as well summarize how the mission and vision statements of the said companies affects their culture and mode of operation. By providing a few examples in each case, I will explain how the organizations are working to manifest their mission and vision statements. Similarities and different between mission and vision statements of Southwest Airlines and REI companies REI and Southwest Airlines have many things in common regarding to their missions and visions. The organization also have varying modes of practice servant leadership and manifestation of their objectives. The vision statement is highly valuable in Southwest Airlines. The vision and mission statements for both said organizations have a common message to their customers and employees. There also differences between the two-said organizations.

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The differences in our case apply in the vision and mission statements as well as how the statements affect their culture and operation. For example, Southwest Airline vision statement is to be the most loved and most flown. This statement guides the organization to provide quality services in order to arrive to its mission. Southwest Airlines have a different history and culture because of their vision. The employees of Southwest Airlines organize themselves in a manner different from profit-centered organizations like observing ethics and being kind to their customers. Southwest Airlines has a culture where employees have the first priority (William Phanuel Kofi, 2012). The employees have the duty of embracing kindness to the customers and giving them quality services to maintain and achieve the vision of being the most loved , most flown and most profitable.

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Explain how organizational vision statement values are explicitly or implicitly apparent in both companies. This attracts like-minded, able and willing employees for job application in the organization. REI and all its employees are purpose driven through its founding idea. The idea states that the organization is committed to high quality outdoor adventure gear is a result of love for mountains. Love and leadership ethics has reflected through the organization because of company’s vision and mission. Vision and mission mostly attribute servant leadership in REI. This is because a mission defines the services offered, products and the business. Mission statement is always responsible for differentiating the firm from the rest. Mission statement enhances servant leadership principles thus controlling the organizational behavior.

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Many employees have a tendency of working under guidelines and not commands. Mission statements carry the weight of the present situation in an organization. Work in the organization becomes easy to handle since each character tackles the field he or she feels best. Everyone under vision measures actively participates even without guidelines and commands. Mission statement in organizations gives employees or any other staff of the company a similar thing to work. In so doing, the mission statement makes the organization more cohesive and black spots like fraud is no longer encouraged. In every success, the employees feel responsible of it all. "Of mission and vision statements and their potential impact on employee behaviour and attitudes: The case of a public but profit-oriented tertiary institution.

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