Stalins Soviet Union Essay

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:History

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Due to this, Stalin was bitter and he was destined to eliminate any person that came on his way, he also went ahead to convert the privately owned property to publicly or government owned and regulated economy (Glantz, 2014). This paper therefore looks into the Soviet Union and how Stalin influenced the growth or his influence on the growth of the union. Background It is important to note that in the 20th century no leader or dictator in this world had more power than Stalin. In fact, many researches have been written about him and this attention continues to draw more attention to the character. During the time that he was alive, it is notable that at least 6 towns of Soviet had his own name. He was therefore arrested, imprisoned and exiled in many occasions due to his activities.

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However, in the year 1912 upon the last split between the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, Stalin was appointed as a servant in the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party where within a period of 3 years, they were able to gain power in Russia and the Soviet Union came to be in the year 1922. Due to his contributions and fearless support, he gained the position of the secretary general that he used to appoint close associates to key positions hence building on his power. Therefore, after the death of Lenin, the leader of the Communist Party, he was able to outdo the other competitors and therefore he gained control of the communist party. This was after the end of the civil war (Kenez & Peter, 2006). There were several rebelling peasants and therefore Stalin destined to achieve his plan had his own way of solving the peasant problem (Glantz, 2014).

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It is important to note that during this period Stalin ruled through totalitarianism and was fast to eliminate the stumbling blocks along his way and anyone who exposed his ways. Despite lacking any skills in economics theory, Stalin played a major role in industrialization of the Union. He never considered the impacts of the policies they implemented since he was overwhelmed by achieving prosperity and industrialization in the region. He called this the “liquidation of the kulaks” he never entertained reasoning with the peasants but applied pure force. During this period major industrial complexes were developed within this territory, dams and hydroelectric stations were developed to ensure power of the Russia rivers (Litvin A & Keep J, 2004). Despite the fact that not all targets were met, major steps were made to the economization of Russia and that underproduction was banned in the region.

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Therefore, despite the shortcomings, the plan was fulfilled in many ways. In fact, it is to be noted that the achievements by Stalin for the Soviet Union were to some extent heroic despite being in human and not taking into consideration the impacts of these actions to the human race (McCauley, 2008). Despite the fact that it is not possible to approximately estimate the exact figures on the level of production brought about by the Stalin’s effort.  Slavic Review, 35(02), 211-231. doi:10. Glantz, D.  M. Stalin’s Strategic Intentions, 1941–1945: Soviet Military Operations as Indicators of Stalin’s Postwar Territorial Ambitions.

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