Strategies to use in conversation to teach children to show kindness

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

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Kids would not think it is wrong to lie if they hear their elders claiming to be sick when they don’t want to go to work or if by any chance a phone rings and a child is given to respond that the owner is not around. If there exists discrepancy between what one is saying and what one is doing, children will ignore what they were told, but if actions and words are consistent, the message will be reinforced, and will know what they are told is important ((Eisenberg et al 2015)), therefore in the conversation the elderly should practice what they are preaching, or if by a chance and action contradicts what is said, the elder should acknowledge the dependability.

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Apologize when you make mistake to your children If an elder fall short with a kid, the elder should not only acknowledge the mistake but should also tell them he/she is sorry, this is an indication that the elder respects and value the thoughts of the children, their feelings and their perspectives, and children will be modelled to respect others and their responsibility for mistakes. One day Janet of Oakland, California learned a lesson, she was upset that a car repair she thought was to cost $200 ended up to be $2000, she related to a story of her daughter who came from school and have failed a math quiz, she screamed at her and sent to her room. And after some minutes she felt horrible for her overreactions to her daughter and apologized.

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Even if am not always the best example, I’ll find relevant examples to support the value from others(Patterson, et al 2017) 4. Reading the Bible with children I will plan some bible studies with the children, and explain different moral values, exploring what the scriptures says about the values and children will come to know that what they are told is not personal ideas but are coming from the word of God. I will focus on particular strengths of character when facing different tests, from bibles different heroes can be used for discussions. For instance the story of Joseph from book of Genesis 37-50 has wonderful kindness lessons Also from Genesis 24, the story of Isaac and Rebekah is good for teaching hospitality, helpfulness and kindness lessons.

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The book of Ruth we find Boaz who was kind to Ruth, and the loyalty of Ruth onwards Naomi. For instance taking desert, I may take a child through words that describe cultural and natural features describing a desert. Whenever I go out with a child, I may ask to point where they live and maybe on passing across a street also ask to locate home and see their potential On walking around neighborhood I may show signs that can be used to show location, like street signs, numbers on homes and ask how they may describe direction if there is no street number or name Features making place special Like people, places has personality, they may have commonalities but can never be exactly alike, human and physical features of a place makes it special ((Patterson, et al 2017).

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Type of soil, temperatures, historical events, rivers or lakes, language of people in a place. Children starts to learn geography, when they are able to notice, think and examine their environment, they learn to name physical features of places I may show the outdoor thermometer and discus what the temperature explains about the day, I may also watch from television weather forecast or read weather map and this helps child to observe changes in climate locally, I may also ask children to guess temperatures of related cities Movement patterns of people, information and products Movement from one place to another of information, products and people is common feature, information is communicated through computers, telephones etc. , products for instance is case from factory to their consumers, and people is going to work or school((James et al 2015)).

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Tiny habits should be targeted and this is the key to self-change. And it should be known to involve two types: the ones to stop and the ones to start, start doing productive behaviors and stop doing those counterproductive 3. Evaluate self-intervention This is the final step, evaluate your intervention, has it actually occurred? This can be found from feedback request, and ask for specific evidence rather than improvement, this should be made easy for others to offer critics. The third step leads to recurrence of second step as long as your interest is improvement. Ability to remain dissatisfied with accomplishments is the variation between successful people and the rest.  Handbook of child psychology and developmental science, 1-47. James, A. , & Prout, A.

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