Suicidal Behaviours among the International College Students

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Literature

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Most students have had suicidal thoughts and others have seriously considered committing suicide. In addition, some have made plans on suicide and a good number have actually attempted suicide. Most students choose to suffer in silence. Their personal and academic functioning has been impacted by the mental health conditions either undiagnosed or untreated (Chang et al 221). Mental health crisis experienced by college students often lead them into dropping out of colleges because of the health issues related to behavior. Research question 2: do students who make use of the campus counseling services and resources report lower risk factors associated with suicide? Hypothesis 2: students who make use of the counseling services and resources available in school report low levels of suicide. Research question 3: do other students suffer indirectly on the increased suicidal behaviors risk among the fellow students? Hypothesis 3: other students on campus suffer indirectly from the suicidal behaviors risks attempted by their fellow students.

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Research question 4: do female students record the highest number of suicidal behaviors than the male students? Hypothesis 4: female students record the highest number of suicidal behaviors compared to the male students. Research question 5: do financial problems and love triangles play the biggest part in suicidal behaviors by college students? Hypothesis 5: financial problems and love triangles act as the main reason why college students commit suicide. Background With the increasing rates of suicides in colleges, something has to be done so as to understand why college students are committing suicide and come up with the possible solutions. Suicide risk factors involve the community, societal factors, relationship and an individual combined. It may also involve the demographic characteristics such as age, medical history, cultural background, sexual orientation, religious persuasion and gender (Taliaferro et al 428).

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Risk factors also represent the family suicidal history. Mental disorder history, lack of mental health services access, easy access to lethal methods that can be used to harm self, substance abuse and issues related to stigma. It is also represented by the social isolation, hopelessness, and loss; financial, social, relational, work. Social support forms, which includes care and concern from mentors and faculty, availability of resources that support crisis and connections with friends and families are important roles of protection. Community and school protective factors include an inclusive and supportive environment, involvement in various activities and a sense of belonging. In addition, access to and use of effective physical, substance abuse and mental services for treatment, along with support from mental health and medical providers are also considered as strong suicide protective factors.

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In fact, it has been shown that if college students participate in group and individual counseling, retention is positively impacted. Organization and Proposed Group After an introduction, a review of the literature, which underscores suicidal behaviors among the college students follows. The use of the video camera will be explained to the college students so that they can decide whether they want to participate in the project. Time must also be found for the students to see the data collected. Research Methods and Rationale The study will be conducted on a group of 10 international students to gather the data needed. Participation by the international students will be optional and self-selected. During stage 1, the group will be involved in sharing their experiences as international students.

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The research consent signed by the participants and researcher will then form a basis of a research consent. The whole project will require a little capital needed to purchase a camera and the tape. In addition, printing of the questionnaire papers will also incur some little charges. I intended to use the little cash I have since saved prior to the commencement of this project. Conclusion The purpose of this study is to investigate suicidal behaviors by the college international students, with special attention paid to suicide risk factors and protective factors that international students experience at a greater frequency than the domestic students. This is a very unfortunate issue that requires a great attention so that the whole world benefits from it.

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