Teacher Interview Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

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She is my long-time friend and I respect her much as a teacher because am convinced that she is competent in what she does as a teacher. I preferred her as the best candidate for my interview because she has been in the teaching profession for more than twenty years, with ten of them teaching at the current school in my neighborhood. Mrs. Jones teaches about twenty-five to thirty children every day in her classroom and deals with teaching complexities competently. She has inspired me to adopt the technology, standards of teaching, teaching philosophy and diversity not as a rule but as a guide in teaching. What are the most common teaching strategies that you normally use in the classroom and why? Summary of interview responses It took Mrs.

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Jones one hour to answer my interview questions considering her busy schedule every day. Right from her young age, Mrs. Jones already knew that she would wish to venture into the teaching profession. She knew, after being inspired by her primary school teacher, Mrs. According to her, it does not matter who they are provided they are ready to listen while she is teaching. This inspires me most, even to a point of changing my mind and become a teacher. Mrs. Jones disclosed that the most interesting experience as a teacher is when she teaches children and realize that they are able to play that knowledge in real life situations as well as answering questions in class. It is the joy of every competent teacher seeing that learners are able to understand, retain and play what they have learned in the classroom.

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Jones believes that a skillful teacher cultivates for a healthy relationship with her learners which depends on trust and mutual respect and helps in setting the pace for a community in the classroom. Although Mrs. Jones focuses much on learning capabilities among children, she also puts into consideration their personal needs and designs lesson plans to suit their abilities by adopting differentiated instruction. It is important because children have different abilities of understanding and learning pace. A competent teacher makes use of observations to reach all the children in the class and design a lesson plan that addresses all their specialized needs. Such preferences are influenced by intelligence, gender, learning styles, culture and learning environment. Getting the attention of every child in a class at the start of the lesson is important because learners ought to be mentally, physically and emotionally ready before the lesson starts (Lim, 2005).

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Effective teachers accomplish assigned duties and planned objectives in accordance with institutional policies. Mrs. Jones always aims at being a consistent teacher who ensures that learners are aware of what they are expecting. Jones are in accordance with the instructions and assessment outlined in the curriculum. According to the curriculum, a grade two child is supposed to be guided during writing and reading. Mrs. Jones believes that all children have the right to be educated and it is her duty to do so as a teacher (Haave, 2015). Her evaluation process involves the implementation of routine activities and setting goals for the learners which is in line with the grade two curriculum. , Leigh, J.  S. , & Dean, K.  L. Philosophy Rediscovered. Developing Students' Thinking by Writing.

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