The behavioral disorders of Adolescence

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

A systemic approach is explored to depict a separate view on how to examine adolescents’ purpose. It also explains the thoughtful and emotional dynamics of reasoning in routine judgments. Presenting the theory initiates its benefits at analyzing purpose in adolescents. Further, it explores the insights it can give through analyzing seven branches of the theory used by Brazilian youth about their life purposes (Arantes, 2017). The model aims at several aspects in reasoning among adolescents. This also depicted a positive association between the two variables. It was derived that individuals with better brand awareness were associated with positive male well-being among males. However, the converse was true for females; where brand awareness affected the well-being negatively of females instead. What another aspect dwelled on by the research was on the importance in explaining adolescent behavior as influenced by interpersonal relationships among their peers.

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The purpose of the analysis was to study if there are relations between adolescent peer-peer and adolescent-teacher relations and emotional well-being and confidence. A conducted study shows that if adolescents show kindness to people with whom they don't already have a relationship, even better, it improves their self-esteem. The study shows that adolescents who show kindness to people they don’t already have a relationship with gives them higher self-esteem. The study depicts that the effect on such adolescents is a long-term effect on them. The individuals involved in these generosity acts usually feel better way after performing the generosity acts (Brooks-Gunn, 1993). The study further shows that some of the effects of showing generous acts to strangers by adolescents influence their behaviors; it prevents them from indulging in delinquent activities and involving themselves in criminal activities.

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More often than not, such individuals resort to alcohol consumption and substance abuse. Their counterparts from non-dysfunctional families, however, have ease in adapting and hence have no avenues or excuses to explore deviant behavior. Adolescents from dysfunctional families often have difficulty adapting as they are either exposed to risks, violence or to dropping out of school. Separation of parents is equally damaging to adolescents’ psycho-social progress. Adolescents caught up in between parents’ separation usually are faced with the state of suffering neglect worries. However, there is a lack of unanimity concerning terminology used to define and examine the elements of character. In this article, a new inquiry into character creation is introduced, through its foundational stages at the start of adolescence. To clarify the choice of vocabulary, it’s proper to start by setting the terms to be used in the framework of analyses of the trait regarding psychology and philosophy (Quinn, 2016).

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The origin of development and nature of human personality have long been written by philosophers. For example, Aristotle claims that a person’s trait was the combination of virtues which gave their way of behavior in the respective environment. At some point adolescents develop intolerance to rules-caused frustration. Within the family, expectations, values and behavior outlines are conveyed. Studies show that educational regime within the family caused the differences between the adolescents and other family members. The differences are usually attributed to the attitude developed by these adolescents about social rules that are generally accepted (Han, 2016). Most adolescents, especially those from dysfunctional families, therefore, portray rigidity towards adaptation to rue. The effect can still be derived from a lack of model within the family to guide and support the affected individual (Han, 2016).

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The foundations for an optimistic attitude to work are shaped in the early years of life, established on the social environment in the family. The values can be established through the parents’ together with other adult members of the family, merging together their intellectual concerns. Often, parents with no intellectual concerns do not concentrate on their children’s preparation for school, abandoning this duty. It is unsympathetic to these parents that the child learns, whether they do the homework according to the requirements of the teacher or erratically, if they have good outcomes or not, if they behave well or is rebellious and has poor grades. These are portrayed by a lower existence of senseless theories and negative sentiments, and by an increased level of positive sentiments, unconditional acceptance of one's own self, self-esteem, and self-competency (Han, 2016).

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In conclusion, much relations between consumerism and well-being were more solid than those between family influence and well-being. These results propose that only particular aspects of consumerism are linked to poor adolescents’ well-being. Also, there are variations found in the links between pupil-teacher relations and well-being. References Arantes, V. Han, H. Chen, J. Jeong, C. Glover, G. H. Duncan, G. J. Klebanov, P. K. Sealand, N.

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