The Effect of the Great Depression

Document Type:Personal Statement

Subject Area:Politics

Document 1

This depression had a long-lasting effect on the European countries. Many people even lost jobs which were hard to recover even after the depression (Rothbard 45). This paper takes into account the effect caused by this great depression to the western countries. Industrial production declined increasing the level of unemployment. The prices of stock raised more than their normal value (Frey, and Hannelore 405). The depression also affected the American lifestyles in different ways (Kennedy 78). Families were not able to maintain the normal lives due to increased unemployment. Traditionally gender roles prevailed in the 1930s where men were the breadwinners of the families. The men who were not employed hanged around their homesteads irritating their wives which increased quarrel between wives and husbands. This caused humiliation among men who were not able to provide for the family members as their role.

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A statistical study of the effect of the Great Depression on elections: The Weimar Republic, 1930–1933.  Political Behavior 5. Kennedy, David M.  The American People in the Great Depression: Freedom from Fear, Part One. Oxford University Press, 2003.

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