The history of hungary research

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

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The country was unified with Croatia after a short war in the 12th century, and a huge royal army was led to the fifth crusade by the king Andrew II. Later, after 25 years, the country experienced an invasion by the Mongol, which led to the death of 20% of the people. Retreatment was attained, but the country fell into centuries of unsuccessful invasions by Ottoman forces. International importance was lost by the country by the 16th century, due to a rebellion in 1514 that provided the Ottoman Turks with the impetus they required at the fight of Mohacs in 1541, feeble kings and peasant turbulence. The country had experienced the ruling by different kings, where also this ruling led to the repopulation of the land by the Serbs, Slavs and the Germans (Patai &Raphael,2015).

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A minor percentage of the population is composed of ethnic minority groups where the main of this group is the Roma, and the others consist of the Greeks, Romanians, Slovaks and Serbs. RELIGION Religious freedom is highly guaranteed in Hungary because there is no official religion that is claimed. A higher percentage of the populations are Roman Catholics where most of them dominate the Northern and the Western parts of the nation. The eastern part of Hungary is occupied by an about one-tenth of the population where the members are of reformed Church in Hungary, and the religion is now referred to as Calvinist. The next most significant minority faith is the Lutherans, and comparatively minor groups belong to several other Christian denominations.

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Through, industrialization, the number of people concentrating on the agricultural sector reduced and the workforce in the industrial increased to about one-eighth of the active population by the late 1980s. Since that period, the service sector has greatly increased. Although the Soviet-type economic modernization resulted in high development, it was founded on out-of-date technology based on the 20th-century structural pattern. The greatest priority was given to the heavy industries of the Iron, steel and engineering where the communication, services and infrastructure of the modern world was neglected. There was underdevelopment of the new technologies and high tech industries, where their operations were additionally hampered by the western restrictions. Moreover, there was an existence of a sector of long-term poor where the majority of them were the Roma before the 21 century.

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At the beginning of the 21-century elimination of the obstacles become evident, where the country got direct foreign investment in the central and Eastern Europe, up-gradation of the telecommunications and the emergence of new industries such as automobile manufacturing. Moreover, there was the great establishment of the small scale businesses, and the tourism sector was also an important contributor to economic growth. The industrialization and need for the economic development resulted into the country burdened with an increased debt at the end of the first decade of the 21st century which resulted to the downfall of the employment opportunities and negative economic growth. The dramatic change was brought about in 2010 by Viktor Orban through his advent of workfare society, which led to the creation of employment opportunities and economic growth.

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Due to the ancient nomadic style, the Hungarians are a nation of horsemen where visitors usually receive an invitation to go for a ride from their local friends. They are more hospitable, and they may tend to ask different questions as an opportunity of getting to know a person better. Conclusion Hungary is one of the countries that has experienced many years of violence under the leadership of different leaders, but this has not resulted in the total decline of the country. Despite of the various obstacles in the past centuries, the country today has developed in terms of the economy through increased employment opportunities hence raise in the GDP and has become more industrialized with the use of modern technology.

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