Trifles Play Analysis

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Literature

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The men folk thought that women’s interest were centered on little things that bore no importance thus the meaning of the play “Trifles”. According to Glaspell, women’s world is reduced to mere activities of the farmhouse or housekeeping which are insignificant in men’s point of view. The title in this case pin-points the clues used by women to solve a case and the little things missed by men because they view them as womanly. Furthermore, the play centers on the murder of John making hence the plot of the play is to find the reason or motive of the murder. In the play, Mrs. Wright was a jovial, lively and pretty songstress. Upon finding the bird dead in the sewing box belonging to Mrs.

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Wright, Mrs. Hale recognizes the clear motive unto why John Wright was murdered. She describes Mr. The purpose of the county attorney in this play is to gather evidence on the possible reason for Mr. Wright’s death which could help in passing the judgment on Mrs. Wright. The attorney however laments that cases regarding to women are sensitive as the jurists must be presented with concrete evidence linking the victim to the case. Mrs. Isolation In the play, isolation is highlighted majorly by loneliness. Mr. Wright place is seen as isolated in a remote farm without children thus Mrs. Wright is isolated from friends and family. This isolation had upsetting psychological effects on Mrs. They view women to be interested in worries of trifles as is put forth specifically by Hale.

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Attorney however notes that men cannot do without the ladies highlighting the importance of women in the society. Women folk on the other hand are seen as super-heroes, smart, and practical. All the evidence that the three men are in dire need of are at their disposal. However, through sympathy to a fellow woman, they decide to keep it a secret. The scene of crime is a mess. Sheriff, Hale, and the county attorney together their wives are examining the frightening death that occurred in Mrs. Wright’s household. They view the nature of the murder as violent and argue that Mrs. Wright could have used even the home gun instead. Besides, Mr. Hale in his description describes her state as queer.

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Jars of Preserves The jars of preserves found by the two women represent the sanity of Mrs. Wright. Every time the fire would go out, the house temperature would reduce making the jars to crack and consequently break. Wright was mentally instable. She spent most of her time at home unaccompanied so most her time was spent on making quilts. She started the last one by knotting it rather than sewing it. Mrs. Peters and Mrs. As they search for scissors from the box they come across a deceased bird, a bird Mrs. Peters argues was wrung at the neck by someone showing that there existed an apparent difference between the roles of men and women. The husband works out all day while Minnie is forced to wait in the house "in her cage".

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