Visual Art Education Essay
Art boosts understanding of ideas and impacts unforgettable skills and knowledge, more so to the pupils in primary school levels. Teaching by use of arts technique is greatly supported by American developmental psychologist known as Dr. Howard Gardner. In 1983, he released and published a theory known as the Multiple Intelligence. In his theory Gardner expounds on the concepts of incorporating multiple intelligence in the schools such as music, interpersonal knowledge, and special relations in the classroom (Gardner, et. The seven intelligences are logical-mathematical, linguistic, spatial, musical, body-kinesthetic and personal intelligences. All these intelligences when incorporated in teaching and learning become a very easy and enjoyable activity. The classroom will always be lively, when Visual Artwork Education is applied in learning mathematics, sciences, linguistics and even on the other subjects (Gardner, 2008) One of the important tools that teachers need to use when teaching students is use of the logical-mathematical intelligence technique in classroom.
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence technique involves the use of patterns, charts, graphs, and other diagrams when teaching mathematics and science disciplines. It also includes use of objects, for instance when counting numbers and doing mathematical operations, that is, addition, substation, multiplication and division. Visual arts helps the students to consolidate what they learn and also have experiences with such as arts. When teaching students via use of visual artworks they also gain carefully observation skills, learn how to express their ideas visually, and how to interpret artworks in the society. Moreover, use of visual arts curriculum in schools gives students opportunities to express, explore and experiment with different ideas and also investigate possibilities in life. The most common visual arts which should be used by teachers when teaching in schools are drawings, painting, coloring, construction and music.
For instance, a teacher may decide to teach by projecting so that students can see what he or she is teaching. They develop creativity skills, speaking and listening skills as. For instance, literature is full of drama, poetry and narratives. Therefore, as a creative and imaginary teacher, you should make some drama demonstrations so that the students’ can understand and consolidate the information in the book. They will understand and demoralize what they have seen in the drama. Objects, pictures can be used to act as characters in the story or the narrative. They found it very hard to forget the content because they can’t forget the song which is like part of their memory. As a matter of fact, the experience of music helps students to analyze the harmonic vowel sounds of the languages and also him or her able to sequence ideas and words.
Also music activities refresh students and are able to grab new concepts and store them in his or mind. According to a research done by Wilson, music instruction in schools enhances students and pupils perform skills which are important anticipating, listening, memory training, and concentration skills and recall skills. Applying the current technology in teaching students simplifies the learning and teaching process is one of the best techniques in education system. They will consult one another or else consult the teacher at a later time. Through discussion, they will interact with one another and share ideas (Skinner, 2016). Learning and use of visual art objects, when teaching, is a great technique in a class. Art motivates students when learning. Use of scientific objects such as thermometer, electric circuits, experimentation is very important when teaching students.
Researches show that many students ask questions, open their ideas and participate in the learning process when they are being taught by a social teacher (Flanders, 2015). They enjoy the learning process and always consult where they have not understood. A good teacher will listen to students’ ideas, comments and always encourage and advise them. In addition, teachers need to involve classroom group discussions whereby students will discuss mathematics, history, linguistic and scientific concepts. Team work is a powerful tool in education. References Skinner, B. F. The technology of teaching. BF Skinner Foundation. Flanders, N. A. The contribution of the right hemisphere to the organization of paragraphs. Cortex, 19(1), 43-50. Goodridge, J. Rhythm and timing of movement in performance: drama, dance and ceremony.
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