Ways in which Positive Psychology and MRT can Overcome Leadership Challenges

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

Positive psychology refers to a field of psychology that deals with the study of human thriving, and how they optimally socialize in their course of duty (Gable and Haidt, 2005). This essay will elaborate on various ways in which Sergeant Major uses different tools of positive psychology and Military Resiliency Training (MRT) to overcome leadership and management problems in their units. The ways to overcome the leadership problems using positive psychology and MRT In the process of implementing the set goals and objectives in the unit, participants tend to differ in their opinions and arguments due to different personalities and education level among other characters. These differences may trigger stress, domestic violence and even harassment of the participants. These challenges hamper the subordinates in executing their mandates which affect the general performance of the organization and the society in general.

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To promote the above features of activating events, the leaders may embrace leadership skills such as promoting and rewarding the subordinates on the merit of their performance as will not only mitigate stress but also acts as motivators for higher performance. Also, the sergeants may impart the participants to understand the consequences of their imagination by asking themselves the “what if” questions before they act. Participants should be coached on how to overcome negative emotions through controlling their imaginations in order to obtain their anticipated emotions and reactions. This can be achieved through rhythmic breathing in and out to overcome negative feelings such anger, anxiety and most importantly the stress. Moreover, the individuals under this state should be taught on how to gain physical control, focus on the present state and work optimally to execute their mandates.

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The participants also ought to plan on how to deal with the outcomes (Gables and Haidt, 2005) In order for the learners to capture the direction issued by their commander or execute the mandates, they need to be alert, stay focused and mentally present, therefore, the sergeant major need to create an enabling environment that supports alertness and responsiveness. This can be achieved by asking the followers some questions more occasionally to maintain attentiveness and more importantly alleviate problems which may be aggravated by misinterpretation of information or inability to capture the directions issued due to hindrances such as domestic issues in working or training centers. The sergeants should ensure that the participants in the army are able to overcome thoughts which are hindrance to their daily activities. The participants ought to choose a situation which would help them to regain their attention which could have been diverted due to the stress of domestic issues or stress they encounter during the training exercise and even during their daily activities.

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In fighting back the counterproductive thoughts, the participants should be trained to use evidence, optimism and put the situation into perspectives. Signature character strength should also be used by the sergeants while demonstrating their leadership skills in the army. In solving problems, effective communication is a very important tool to ensure that the problems are effectively solved. In the military, the sergeants should ensure that their communication is clear and that they communicate with confidence and respect. They should use the IDEAL Model which involves first identifying the problem, describing the objectives to the problem, expressing their views about the problem then asking for other person’s view about the same and finally listing all the possible outcome if the change has to be felt. The participants in the army should be made aware on how to effectively communicate with others especially during the time of conflicts or challenges and how to utilize the IDEAL model in ensuring that the conflicts are solved in the best ways possible.

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In any military unit where soldiers and the leaders have understood the correct mechanism to deal with negative emotions, there is always teamwork and extraordinary performance in training and even during the military job. References Adler, A. B. Bliese, P. D. and West, C. Master resilience training and its relationship to individual well- being and stress buffering among Army National Guard soldiers. The journal of behavioral health services & research, 40(2), 140-155.

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