We Need to Talk About Kevin Analysis

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Literature

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‘We Need To Talk About Kevin’ is the 7th novel written by Shriver. The story was modified into a movie in 2011. In the novel, the main character, Kevin, exhibits no moral obligation to his community and most importantly to his family. He also shows no affection towards them at all. He regards everyone with hatred and dislike, specifically his mother. The doubt does not fester only in the parents who have murderous children, and it goes ahead to question the amount of credit or blame that parents can take for their suicidal kids, drug addicts as well as heart surgeons. As seen in today’s society grown children are generally inclined to blaming their parents for their flaws and weaknesses as they continue to reap the splendor for their accomplishments.

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Parenting is essential. The successful bringing up of a child takes up quite an important role in whether or not the child will turn out to be a productive citizen of the country. When parents provide the proper support and love to their children, it will assist their children to grow properly. Even though wicked children are properly parented, treated, supervised, and disciplined they will still follow their evil paths. It might seem quite essential to blame a parent for setting a bad example to their child, but when all is said and done, no matter the age of the child, he or she is responsible for his or her actions. For example, Celia in ‘We Need To Talk About Kevin,’ grew up as a good child whereas Kevin made some bad choices, yet the same mother raised them.

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Besides, a child’s unlawful needs have to be more significantly dealt with and not the parents. Overlooking the child’s actions prompts more immoral acts. They are not accountable for every action that their children make (Pagallo, 127). A parent cannot control his child, she or he can influence them. Therefore, a child has to comply with the laws that her parents have formulated for her if she wants to live a prosperous life. On the other hand, as much as it is not the responsibility of a parent to take the blame for her child’s actions, the initial raising of the child is significantly her responsibility. Parents ought to make sure that the constant teaching of moral values or behavior, respect of people and property, as well as the laws, are properly instilled not only by them but also by the child’s schools (Shriver, 8).

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In conclusion, as much as parenting comes with its great obligations, which the most important one of them is raising a child right, parents cannot be blamed for their children’s actions. Just like in Eva’s case in the novel, ‘We Need To Talk About Kevin,’ a parent cannot constantly pay attention to her child’s actions or know whether or not they are a danger to the people surrounding him (Pagallo, 127). Eva sacrificed all she could to be an excellent mother to her son, but he still chose a wrong path and the fact that she was an excellent mother to her daughter simply proved that Eva was a good parent and Kevin was merely evil. Work cited Shriver, Lionel.

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