Weight Loss and Exercise

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

Time is also a major factor as it is directly related to weight loss and it depends on different individuals. Adoption of a healthy lifestyle and acquiring the right kind of attitude and energy always gives the best outcome. Moreover, realistic goals should be set over a reasonable amount of time. In today's world, one of the critical concerns taking shape everywhere across the globe is health and wellness. The society is growing more and more concerned with lifestyle diseases that are often related to the type of activities one undertakes. Exercising in the afternoon however proves difficult as it requires one to alter their schedule to fit in exercise. During most afternoons there is a slight increase in temperature which intrinsically limits ones activity. However, one can engage in mild exercises such as walking.

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As such one of the key reasons for having to choose an exercise routine for the project is based on the research findings as above in an element towards controlling the growing health concerns. Not only does physical exercise lead to manage the weight loss but also plays a critical role in improving emotional wellbeing. The area was well known to me and with an excellent running path and serene atmosphere that facilitated the ease of jogging. The time of day which is more favorable for exercise is the morning and the evening. Exercising in the morning helps to awaken the senses and leave one psyched up for the day’s activities. Also it yields better results and helps to boost ones general health and happiness. Exercising after a long day of work helps one to ward of the feeling of exhaustion and laziness.

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This has been very rejuvenating and an eye opener to even more. One thing that encouraged me more is the use of the running app strava, that was very fruitful in marking performance and calories burnt during the activity. Strava was very useful as the tracking of the calories consumed can be equated to the fats and thus a measure to weight loss statistics throughout the exercise. Chart of the physical activity (Jogging) and duration From the above graph, it is evident that I managed more than two hours daily and to keep the discipline in the subsequent weeks would be very useful. Wednesday and Saturday are recorded as the highest days of physical activity with the least being the first day of the event which is Monday. It has also enabled me to understand how my body works much better.

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Managing my body weight also highly boosts my confidence and wards off any body insecurity issues. I exercise on a daily basis in a time frame of about 30-45 minutes. This is because too much exercise can be strenuous and too little will have very little effect on the body. Also too much exercise demotivates me as it is quite tasking and tedious. duals who exercise in parks or recreational facilities generally have elevated levels of physical activity. Working indoors seems quite unfavorable as it fails to provide a sustainable environment for such activities. Getting out of your normal working space arouses feelings of serenity and tranquility when working out. Such locations such as parks also go an extra mile in building up motivation as one encounters other people who are engaging in outdoor physical activities.

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Although some engage in these activities for the fun of it, some engage in it so as to realize intrinsic and extrinsic factors such as weight loss or sports. Saxton, J. Losing weight to people who are obese is very significant in improving the self-esteem of affected individuals who are affected. It improves the mood of the person who engages in it and general wellbeing of the person. Exercise also has a number of health benefits such as reducing cardiothoracic diseases and reduces bone degeneration, it also helps to awaken ones senses and improve brain activity, Saxton, J. this has a direct impact on how better one performs day to day activities. Normal exercise also may lead to increase appetite which may be a bottleneck to those trying to lose weight.

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Evidences show that one may lose a significant amount of vitamins after exercise through sweat. To prevent this, one has to exercise better with proper planning and seeking help from physicians. Saxton, J. Reinforcements during exercise are very key in order to help one accomplish the desired goal. External rewards or reinforcements are dependent on the achievement. It goes hand in hand with the goals and it is mostly in form of treats. For example, one may treat themselves to a shopping spree after they have achieved a desired outcome. The intensity of the reward should be as a result of the level of goal achievement. Apolinario, A. Going directly from no exercise to strenuous exercise is disadvantageous as it makes one to be very exhausted. Exhaustion kills momentum and thus a drop in the results.

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Apolinario, A. E. Goodrich, F. Proper hygiene should be taken into consideration in order to prevent diseases such as bacterial infections which lead to poor health. Exercise is a key factor in promoting health and well-being of an individual. It a general leads to improved health and creates a sense of well-being. People should begin programs that help people to motivate people to exercise more often. This can be done by introducing health education in schools and society at large in order to create awareness of the benefits of exercise. Goodrich, F. The Absolute Last Weight-Loss, Diet, & Exercise Book You Will Ever Need to Read: A Doctor's Easy-to-Read Advice on Scientifically Validated Weight Loss and Exercise Strategies. CreateSpace. Physical Activity and Weight Control. n.

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