What are the purpose and the jurisdiction of the nlrb

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Management

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The board safeguards the rights of private sector employees with or without their unions in pushing for better wages, improved working conditions and condemning any inhumane act that may arise in the work place. It also oversees elections in the private sector when they are electing members of their trade unions (Troy, L. The board is also mandated to defend rights of employers in a fair and legal manner, in a case where an employer’s rights are violated it champions in the fight for fairness. The success of the board has therefore been a question of debate due to the political nature of appointing members to the board (Getman, J. G 2016). Union activities can also lead to the invalidation of certification; in a case where a union decides to waiver union, fees can lead to an election being declared invalid.

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What factors might contribute to employees voting to decertify a union? In some special cases, members of a union can vote to decertify a union. Such cases arise when the union is declared unresponsive in championing the rights of employees, or when the employer decides to treat employees better, it also arises in cases where an employer raises an aggressive anti-union campaign. Define union security and explain its importance to labor leaders. Union security is the position of the union and its relationship to the workers, which requires that some or all the workers in the collective bargaining agreement must remain to be members of the union as a condition of employment. d) The cause of deviation in that attempt it will look at any dilatory tactics used in the negotiations.

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e) Conditions imposed by the two parties as a necessity of reaching an agreement f) Unilateral changes made during the negotiations. What are the rules that employers and union organizers must follow during an organizational campaign? Employers have the right to express their views as well as persuading their employees not to join a union. Some rules govern employees to ensure that they don't interfere with union campaigns: a) The employers should not discriminate any employee in a way from participating in the union campaigns. This affects their democratic rights on their choice of candidates for the sake of their job security. This includes: meal hours or breaks in the day f) Union organizers and candidates are barred from engaging in prohibited campaign activities: this can result in an overturn of election results or a re-run 5.

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Under what circumstances can employers poll employees to determine their desire to join a union? Under certain conditions the employer is bound to all employees to determine their desire to join a union: if the purpose of the poll is to determine the truth of a unions claims majority when majority of workers belief that the union doesn’t serve the purpose they desired then employers can ask them whether they deem it fit to remain as members of the union. As the purpose of the poll is communicated to the employees ascertain their desire, clear communication of the poll's intention should be made clear. Assurance against reprisals are given, the company needs to ensure employees that their jobs will still be secure after the poll which should be conducted as a secret ballot.

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