Why working in a group is more effective than working individual

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Religion

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Harvard Business Review Retrieved from https://hbr. org/2016/11/why-diverse-teams-are-smarter David Rock and Heidi Grant’s article “Why Diverse Teams Are Smarter” bases on various scientific studies done by different scholars and scientists to prove the effectiveness and efficiency of a diverse team in a workplace than homogenous teams. The authors reveal the importance of working with a diverse team, arguing that majorly, working with diverse teams challenges one’s brain allowing them to challenge their brain and sharpen their performance. David Rock and Heidi Grant base their reasoning using McKinsey’s report which found that companies with racial and ethnic diversity realize greater financial returns above the industry mean than those that regard gender diversity. A global analysis done by Credit Suisse is also used, stating that organizations composed of a female member realize higher net returns and equity.

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Therefore, by citing the importance of diverse teams, such knowledge directly resonates with the relevance of working in a team since a team is a diverse product. Fletcher, M. ‘Multi-disciplinary team working: building and using the team”.  Practice Nurse, 35(12), 42–47. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com. Monica Fletcher is a reputable source because of her background information and her influential work in the field of health. Being a British nurse and a graduate from Birmingham University where she pursued Healthcare Policy and Management gives her a good source of wisdom and experience on issues of healthcare and need for proper primary care. Therefore, the ideas expressed in the article are relevant to the topic as they help understand that working as a team makes it easy to attend to every strategy and goals set because a team has different skills, personalities, and experiences that can easily transform how things need to be done.

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Further, through the source, ways of creating a strategic team and its maintenance are analyzed, equipping the topic under study with adequate information regarding teamwork. Leadership in teamwork as analyzed by the article in relation to primary caregiving further highlights the necessity of teamwork’s effectiveness than individual working. Using school-based activities that address the need for leadership and group roles development, Brookes realizes that team-based learning experience is important as every student contributes to the issue at hand leading to a great final product. Such contribution occurs through questioning, communicating potential obstacles and solutions and brainstorming which develops leadership, problem-solving and listening skills. Further, as a group, the assigned group roles promotes responsibility and accountability of every member. In the science class analyzed by Brooks, the assigned roles allowed collaboration and individual accountability which made everybody access the required information.

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Using Charlotte Engineering Early College as the case study, the major finding through group work and leadership is that every student participated in the table work by asking questions, planning investigations, inquiring and designing solutions. , & Brewer, N. “Working in Teams: Negative Effects on Organizational Performance in Policing.  Policing” An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, (Issue 1), 115. Retrieved from https://heinonline-org. ezproxy. Carlene Wilson is a Professor of Psycho-oncology at Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness and Research Center who has expertise in the fields of applied psychology, cancer research as well as social psychology. On the other hand, Neil Brewer works at Flinders University as a Professor of Psychology with expertise in forensic psychology. Such kind of experience proves this source an excellent choice for the topic under discussion as it allows psychology to analyze the effects of individualized versus teamwork.

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The cited theory first helps elaborate the topic on grounds that, individualized working suffers consequences of poor decision making, lack of motivation and limited coordination. Further, using the case of patrol officers, the source helps to understand that working individually limits decision making even though resistance is high with teamwork. ezproxy. okanagan. bc. ca/10. 1007/s11423-018-9601-2 In Liu Ming-Chi, Huang Yueh-Min and Xu Yo-Hsin, the article “Effects of individual versus group work on learner autonomy and emotion in digital storytelling” an experiment that analyzed the effects and solutions to the challenges that students encountered while developing stories using multimedia tools. The background information of the authors proves the relevance of the article since the work is on technology, aligning with their fields of study.

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