Alternative to a standardized test
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Education
But according to research many parents and members in the community tend to have high faith in the standardization tests. This happens due to the high standard or level that has been put by teachers on the standardization tests to know their children. Unfortunately, it’s the parents that are always burdened by moving their children from one school to another in search of better results concerning their children. This is a clear sign that the complexity or the complications of their children cannot be revealed effectively by the score in schools. The only such gap can be solved is by creating alternative ways by which the children performances can be accessed and whether the children are learning the necessary thing in their curriculum. By answering these questions then is when the students and the teachers will know what is best for the children.
Many times what discourage the alternative assessment is when more pressure is put on the children by sayings like these children must perform, or they will see. Such statement and pressure discourage the morale and the spirit of the children and students. Such ways or means does not fit the description of the assessment that only has one vision to improve the children or student learning. The main focus should be to find new ways and methods on how to improve their learning rather than flunking the children or kids or pointing fingers at the teachers. In their research studies, Baguley, Thom (2009, p. the primary challenge why the alternatives are finding it hard to penetrate the education system. This is to overcome the culture and the mentality that the only way to true assess the performance of the schools, teacher, and students is only regarding statistics and numerical analysis.
But considering the research was done before, such approach has done more harm to the community than any good. This because such methods leave a great room for the fake outcome of the assessment through bribe just to ensure that their kids are ranked high. this can be shown that a proper education even in the world has never been cheap. But the parents and teachers must also be aware that any approach to education in the world today has its disadvantages that must be approached properly. The below-expounded points are some of the examples of alternative assessments. Portfolio-based assessment. Portfolio-based assessment has proved to be one of the most promising alternative assessment. This method is very important both to the parent and teacher on knowing how the student is progressing academically or performance wise.
But, through the random sampling, it can form a basis for the accountability of the improved professional development, school and district. In the case of random sampling, some students’ portfolio and some learning records are picked from each classroom. According to Spodek, Bernard, and Olivia N. Saracho (2009, p. Another plus is that it promotes the education system of the country is to invest more in the development of different professionals and outside evaluators. This also forces the teacher to reflect many times on the performance or the quality of his or her students. One of the critics of this approach is that more skilled or qualified teachers are needed. But this does not make sense as this will allow the teacher to be more close and talk more to the student hence the teacher can easily know the type of help the student needs to do well.
And when the teacher has realized a need for a more skilled teacher, it will allow the best teacher for the correct students to interact hence getting the best out of a child. Another issue comes when it comes to portfolio logistics where all the students’ portfolio will be stored. For example, when the student moves from elementary grade to higher grade. Another way is how this problem will be covered when the student moves from one school to another, however many schools have been able to overcome it in the sense that they can use video recording portfolio and also store the students’ portfolio into a digital platform. Another setback is that since the judgment is based on the idea of a particular teacher, it might be prone to personal evaluation.
In overall, the portfolio offers an excellent platform for the schooling of another level compared to standardized assessments. According to Yastibas, Ahmet Erdost, and Gülsah Cinar Yastibas (2015, p. when it realized that the difference in the grades is more than one, then the third party is then invited to evaluate them to find where the error is. In some of the districts, the policy makers use the performance exams to investigate on how a particular class is doing in their portfolios. When the district officers realized that the students are doing well on the performance exams and their performance on the students’ portfolio is poor. Then an alarm is sent as a requirement to follow up on the marking or scoring. It can also provide a deepened learning among the students or children and provide a basis for assessment information that is very detailed.
One of the reasons why the exam performance has not been used in the world today is due to the quantity of the time that it requires being prepared. This time factor limits the teachers and district in making sure that the performance assessment takes place. It consumes a lot of money and energy to acquire expertise, to run the prompt to the various schools and the assessment of the scores. According to McDermott, Kathleen B (2014, p. Hence this needs to be a deep and involving discussion on how the system will be incorporated into the system Reference Supovitz, Jonathan. Can high stakes test leverage educational improvement? Prospects from the last decade of testing and accountability reform. Journal of Educational Change 10. Baguley, Thom. Standardized or simple effect size: What should be reported?.
Academic Press, 2014. Kraft, Matthew A. and John P. Papay. Can professional environments in schools promote teacher development? Explaining heterogeneity in returns to teaching experience. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 176 (2015): 3-13. McDermott, Kathleen B. et al. Both multiple-choice and short-answer quizzes enhance later exam performance in middle and high school classes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 20.
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