At Risk Preschoolers ADHD Students

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Education

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The essay will focus on the definitions of the at-risk preschoolers, the characteristics, the best instructional strategies for the students who suffer the disorder and best practice instructional programming for at-risk preschoolers and students with ADHD (Taylor, Smiley and Richards, 2015). At-risk preschooler They fall under the categories of children who require care at a very tender age so that further developmental delays can be prevented. At-risk preschooler generally occurs from birth to the age of three for children already suffering from development delays or for the children who have been diagnosed with a mental and physical condition that is more likely to suffer from the development delays (Taylor, Smiley, and Richards, 2015). At-risk is defined in different ways. In the case of an academic set up, it illustrates a student who has scored lower than average on school tests.

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Most of the students who are said to be suffering from at-risk require more support in mathematics, social-emotional behavior, language, and literacy. To aid in this, there are three ways on how to prevent at-risk. Prevention is the early intervention in supporting the student learning and hence stopping the social-emotional disorders. The three ways of preventing at-risk include academic intervention, prevention, and guidance (Taylor, Smiley and Richards, 2015). Attention Deficit Hyper-Activity Disorder (ADHD) ADHD is a contentious disability since most people believe it exists and it is an epidemic while the rest do not believe it actually exists. Behavioral inhibition, on the other hand, is a challenge which a student experiences in trying to monitor their behaviors. Due to ADHD, most of the students do not reach their full academic potential. The more the ADHD affects them, the more their education is also affected.

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Studies conducted show that the older the student gets the more issues arises from being able to manage ADHD (Taylor, Smiley, and Richards, 2015). Best practice instructional strategies Teachers face a hard time to teach students suffering from ADHD due to their increased hyperactivity and lack of attention in combination with their impulsivity. Programs and interventions Some of the students suffering from at-risk are either academically behind their peers or show an increase in maladaptive behaviors. Before a teacher concludes a student is suffering from at-risk, he or she has to go through the conditions of establishing the risk such as the biological, medical and environmental factors. The important issue with at-risk preschoolers is early intervention and prevention. It is important to have an intervention program which focuses on behavior management, positive social interaction, and strategies which support the development of a child.

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At-risk preschoolers should also be exposed to literacy as an intervention. The technology devices help the students to maintain their visual reminder in staying on the task and a commonly referred to as attention trainers (Carnine et al, 2010). Evaluation of programs As in the case of several disabilities, it is also important for the school administration to monitor the involvement of teachers in helping the students receiving special education services. The involvement includes the teacher’s observation and the needs that arise in the classroom. The administrators of the school should learn to always observe their classrooms more often (McKenna, Shin, and Ciullo, 2015). They should come up with ways of tracking the abilities of a teacher and the areas of needs. References American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.

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Washington, DC: Author. Carnine, D. Silbert, J. Richards, S. Exceptional students: Preparing teachers for the 21st century. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

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