Case study questions on the metis debate in connection to building interpersonal communucation skills

Document Type:Case Study

Subject Area:Media

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In their conversation, Victoria is angry and impatient, but she tries her best to hide her emotions contrary to Douglass who lets his anger out all through the interview. However, Victoria uses indirect quotes to mock Douglass when she says that she thinks that his anger only goes to show how all of us are affected by our history. In this case, Victoria does not seem to be affected much by the history in question. On the other side, what she tries to say is that Douglass is affected by the history of the Metis and even goes ahead to say that “We need to call on our elders for help and pray for strength” (Devito et al. p. Both Victoria and Douglass don’t support institutionalized racism, and they show their differences in how they address the issue according to their personal experiences.

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Apply the skills for communicating emotions on pp. and rewrite douglas’s ineffective emotional expressions below. Excuse me. I have also not been lucky since I was almost beaten to death at Calgary young offender Center. It could have been because he was focused on helping the people of Metis Nation Region by doing so, or he could have had another agenda. He disclosed the story about how he was almost beaten to death at Calgary young offender Centre and also shared the other story about how he was a probation officer and saw how people of his kind getting thrown into jail day by day. Despite the dangers of self-disclosure, he could have been using this to gain trust with his audience (Devito et al. p. This would portray that he too was affected by the situation that his fellow Metis encountered with the effects of drug addictions and institutionalized racism.

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Victoria also uses this type of communication when she leans forward to show that she was paying attention to the remarks being made by Douglass in the debate. She also demonstrates the interaction between her verbal and nonverbal interactions at the end of the debate when she puts her hand on her heart right after appreciating the moderator for hosting her at the debate. This shows how grateful she is to the moderator for having her. DeVito et al. identify four types of cues that speakers and listeners use in conversation, to regulate turn-taking (see pp. However, this does not play well since, despite the effort, Douglass kept talking. The cues also manifest after the moderator asks Douglass a question the turns and looks at him looking for a response hence using turn-yielding cues on him.

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This proves to have a positive impact since Douglass by shaking his head and laughing signals that he wants to take the turn of the speaker which he does and addresses the listeners. PART B: FIELD STUDY /15 On one Saturday evening, as I was struggling with my assignments, my friend came to my place and suggested that we go out and have fun and relieve some pressure. I rejected the offer and explained to him that I had assignments which needed to be done and they were almost due. Clark, D. Shimoni, R.  Messages: Building interpersonal communication skills. Addison Wesley Longman.

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