Racial discrimination by Dove Company
Document Type:Case Study
Subject Area:Media
This paper reviews the GIF video shared on the Facebook account by the Dove organization where they were advertising the organization's Dove Body Wash soap. The advertisement featured three women removing their light shirts. The signs below them were "before" and "after. The featured woman was the black woman whom the organization meant to have turned to whiteness after using the soap. This post was highly criticized on the social media as the organization was discriminating against the black people. In most cases, organizations do their advertisement on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, newspapers, journals and also on televisions and radio. These advertisements could sometimes be sometimes taking advantage on one race against the other. This is totally unethical as there is no race superior to the other. On one occasion, Dove organization, owned by the Unilever Company and which specializes on soaps and lotions for women, did their advertisement on Facebook where they posted a GIF clip showing the black woman using the Dove Drop soap to change from black to white person.
This was considered by the organization's Facebook followers to be unethical since it was discrimination against black people. Indeed Ubuntu promotes the Golden rule of ethnicity which advocates that "people should treat others the way they would like to be treated. This, therefore, could ensure that the advert posted, which offended many customers, could ensure that the black people are not discriminated. This paper, therefore, would critically examine the ethical consideration which organizations and individuals could use to avoid racial discrimination or offending others. Additionally, the researcher would review Dove Drop Soap organization which is owned by Unilever Company, toward n advert which it posted on the Facebook platform showing three women who were removing shirts and revealing the change in the body from black to white. This was considered as discrimination towards the black people.
Though many people took this advert as a humiliation to the black people who were considered to be "dirty" and that their "dirtiness could be removed by the Dove Body Wash, the organization declined the understanding of most people and gave its indented meaning of the post (Maggie, 2017). Concerning this post, it is clear that the organization did not have ethical consideration before posting the GIF video to the Facebook platform. By having a consideration of the ethics before posting the image, the organization could have noted the impact the post could bring in it. Additionally, below the black woman was indicated with the sign "before" and below the white woman "after" then the message indicated there was that the soap was the best and could remove any kind of stains.
This was discrimination of the black people about their color and the organization had no ethical consideration. You are the organization's companion and you can give your contact information freely. Most of the time, you likely need to keep in contact with the individual, potentially even by means of the online networking website”. In any case, the interpersonal organization at that point has that data — regardless of whether its proprietor needed it shared (Karlsson, 2018). The development of the Facebook bug on 2013 helped the social media users to be able to locate an individual's personal information such as the email location and the telephone contact details. This was additional information added to the person's profile. A large number of relinquished open profiles vanished into the ether or on the other hand, did they? The Internet Archive — a not-for-profit library — has a document of in excess of 200 billion site pages, including Friendster.
Garcia could utilize that vault to get information on 100 million open records from the web-based social networking webpage. Garcia delved through the records in a procedure he calls Internet Archeology, after a humorous video from The Onion in which a web paleologist declares that he has, incidentally, found Friendster. The time size of online media is quick, yet it's as yet contemplating things in the public eye that don't exist any longer," he clarifies. Garcia chased for designs in the information. Garcia distributed his discoveries August 4 in Science Advances. This does not imply that social stages are making shadow profiles of your social media– loath companions, Garcia notes. Be that as it may, with the data individuals provide for informal communities and with the stages' processing capacities, they positively could. To keep the information being utilized along these lines, Garcia just utilized the most essential, open data.
He didn't anticipate anything about particular individuals. In the event that we touch another person, we leave an impression. The more you touch other individuals, the more you leave on them," he clarifies. Touch enough individuals, and any individual who takes a gander at those individuals and their paint-secured sleeves will have the capacity to select your own shade of blue-green (Munyaka & Motlhabi, 2009). Furthermore, in light of the fact that we are never again in full control of our security, Garcia notes, it additionally implies that ensuring protection isn't something any one individual can do. In some sense, it looks like environmental change," he says. Moreover, the offices accessible at the opportunity to standard clients—who overwhelmingly got to the website using the entrance controlled such as the Microsoft Network (MSN) or the America Online (AOL) which regularly presented restricted chance to share individual information, which could result into undermining.
At long last, the innovation accessible was essentially not well propelled to dispatch assaults to gather individual data concerning the private organizations, paying little respect to whether such information was put away safely or unreliable. Basically, security was simply not a genuine need, either for the purchase or for the business or supplier (Metz & Gaie, 2010). This shouldn't imply that security was totally overlooked. In 1994, the Electronic Private build up itself as it was well known to cover the web protection and its common freedom issues. The Ubuntu Philosophy The word Ubuntu is derived from the isiZulu phrase, "Umuntu Ngumuntu Ngambantu" which means "a person is a person through other persons. Ubuntu is used in Africa community to advocate for kindness, ethnicity, humanity, dignity, and unity towards building a better community with a common goal.
The Ubuntu philosophy is almost used in all nations of the African continent. The philosophy is applied in day to day operations of the African community especially the communities who are Bantu origin. Although Bantu community is spread in all parts of the African continent, the meaning of the Ubuntu philosophy is the same. The researcher has reviewed the privacy in the social media which sometimes offends the users or the followers of the social platforms. Secondary data were collected so that the researcher could bring a clear message concerning the privacy in the social media. Dove organization which in 2017, posted on their Facebook account an image of a woman who was using Dove Body Wash changing from the black woman to white woman. This was discrimination towards the black people since people understood the post to be meaning that the black people are "dirty" and that the soap could have removed the dirty hence the woman turning to whiteness.
Therefore, the secondary data collected will be analyzed so that the effects of social media privacy may be described and the significance of applying the Ubuntu philosophy on the social media. Marissa added that the post was immediately removed after the outcry of Facebook followers and that the organization will re-evaluate the internal process which is tasked with reviewing information or message to be posted. She did not say how many people had reviewed the post and if some were African-America or not (Maggie, 2017). In the post, Ariel Macklin, a Facebook follower asked: "What was the mark?" This question about the intention of the GIF video was liked by 1100 people on the Facebook. He added saying "Everybody who has eyes can see how this post is offensive. Do you mean nobody in your organization saw it before posting? Wow! I will not purchase items from your organizations.
The other principle is respect. According to the Ubuntu philosophy, every member of the community ought to be treated with respect hence living in better society. Dove organization failed to show respect on their post where they disrespected the black people. The post on the Facebook account was disrespect to all black people since it shows that the black skin is dirt which could be removed with the Dove Body Wash. Anybody who does not show respect to others was highly dealt with according to the Ubuntu philosophy. This was a loss to the organization since the black people who felt to have been discriminated against their color vowed to stop buying goods from the Dove organization. The other stakeholder in this context is the organization's spokesperson, Marissa Solan, who apologizes about the post saying that the post was made to celebrate the beauty of a woman and the diversity.
In her apology, Marissa Solan says that the organization expresses its apology to all the black people as well as all those who felt offended by the post and that the organization would reconsider the post again. The community is the secondary stakeholder in this perspective. Posting such post by the Dove organization was a show of disrespect to the black community. The Ubuntu philosophy stands against any form of discriminatory or inhuman toward the community. Dove organization showed inhuman in this GIF video as it shown a black woman using the Dove Body Wash to turn to whiteness. This was discrimination since it meant that the black woman was removing her ‘dirty' black color in order to turn to cleanness-whitish. Although Marissa apologized to the black people, the humor of discrimination had already sensed and the apology itself could not reverse what had already been posted.
Conclusion It is evident that social media lacks privacy and any post posted to it either image, information or video can affect a certain group or the individual. Munyaka, M. Motlhabi, M. Ubuntu and its socio-moral significance. Westin, A. F. The culture of connectivity: A critical history of social media. Oxford University Press. Sánchez Abril, P. Levin, A. Del Riego, A. Inkanyiso: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1), 38-47. Metz, T. Gaie, J. B. The African ethic of Ubuntu/Botho: Implications for research on morality. First Monday, 11(9). Zhou, B. Pei, J. April). Preserving privacy in social networks against neighborhood attacks. google. com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0a hUKEwisnqX_eTaAhXM4IMKHUyFAOwQFggpMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww. nytimes. com% 2F2017%2F10%2F08%2Fbusiness%2Fdove-ad-racist.
html&usg=AOvVaw0- hycLd2V0AmvbcPY5rDKQ.
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