Communication Technology during WW1

Document Type:Case Study

Subject Area:Media

Document 1

The rebelling military realized the need to revolutionize communication before the bloody stalemate could murder and overpower hostilities. The bloody death of soldiers called the attention of patriotic fervors from Marconi Company. The company offered its wireless experts and training to aid the use of wireless communication by the armed services. All the assistance was meant to help without the requirement of initial payments and the company went on and allowed the government censors to use their wireless station to monitor all communications (Vernam, pg. There were code-breakers that detected suspicious communication and which sent the communication to the secret room 40. The two factors were the main influencing tools in the acceptability and implantation in the approaching conflict. Use of electricity across the world during World War 1 enabled the utilization of energy power for the first time by various industries to develop communication in form of signal lamps, telegraphs, radio, and telephones.

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Before the 1800s, scientists such as Alexander Graham Bell, George Westinghouse, Samuel Morse (Andersen, pg. and Thomas Edison were engaged in research on electricity and means of incorporating it appropriately and effectively and thus they turned electricity misery into a useful tool. The invention of wireless radios, electric telegraphs and telephones were to change the way the world conducted the warfare. It has letters that had different representations by different series of short dots and longer dash. The dash duration was three times the length of dots and each word was separated by silence in the corresponding single dash. Morse telegraph invention was influenced by the semaphore telegraph that was used in Europe. The transmitter on the telegraph had to be consistent to avoid misinterpretation of the message. Use of electric telegraph was widely accepted since it allowed instant sending of information between stations.

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However, the telegraphs used by British army were easily broken by the German army. Later In 1915, the fuller phone was presented to stop the interruption of British combat zone communication telephones by the Germans. Also, during the warfare, airplanes advanced from unfinished, kite-like aircraft and bombers to battle airplanes that were able to serve as weapons platforms. Conversely, the aero-communication also advanced the development of the airplanes from the use of visual signals like flags and rocking of arms and at the end of the confrontation; they were armed with radio telephony. The radio telephony enabled short distance communication between planes and long distance communication with wireless stations in the ground. More also, conservative systems such as animals were susceptible to harsh climates thus making them only reliable for front-to-rear communications.

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Particularly, radio technology enabled commanders to control and synchronize units spread into groups over huge reserves. Technology during war mirrored a trend to industrialism and the submission of methods of mass production to weapons and the warfare technology. The trend started about fifty years before the emergence of the world war during the revolutionary war of 1861-1865. There were some conflicts amongst soldiers who were testing new weapons to ensure their efficiency. History of communications/radio wave propagation from Marconi to MIMO. IEEE Communications Magazine 55. Bruton, Elizabeth, and Paul Coleman. Listening in the dark: audio surveillance, communication technologies, and the submarine threat during the First World War. History and Technology 32. Spykman, Nicholas J. America's strategy in world politics: the United States and the balance of power. Routledge, 2017. Vernam, Gilbert S. Cipher printing telegraph systems: For secret wire and radio telegraphic communications.

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