Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Sociology

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Structure 9 Texoma Medical Center Leadership Chart 10 3. Systems 10 4. Style 11 5. Shared values 11 6. Skills 12 7. Organizational capacity perspective 19 Findings from the Assessment 20 Recommendations for Change as the New CEO 21 1. Use the latest technology (Artificial Intelligence) in the Organization 21 2. Roll out regional expansion program 21 3. Create a center that will promote research innovation 22 4. Embrace autonomy in the departments 22 Texoma Medical Center Leadership Chart 23 Conclusion 23 References 25 Abstract This paper presents changes that I would make as the new CEO of Texoma Medical Center. Organizational change involves creating new management structures, cultures, technology and sometimes communication patterns as well as recruiting new staff. Change within a health organization is mainly driven by the need to offer better healthcare services to the customers. In addition it may be driven by the need to minimize the operational costs in order to achieve a better management of the organization.

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Such changes are usually proposed by the CEO or the board of directors who are directly in charge of managing the organization. Moreover, to identify the opportunities for making such changes, organizations usually carry out assessments inform of SWOT analysis, PESTEL analysis, the 7-S assessment and balance score card analysis. Among these, there are 360 active, consulting and courtesy physicians as well as over 120 trained volunteers who help to ensure that the hospital offers proper medical care. Texoma Medical center is led by Ronald T. Seal, who serves as its Chief Executive Officer (Hospital Leadership, 2018). The hospital also has a board of directors who are made up of volunteers from several communities in Texoma. The Board is chaired by Bill Douglas. The hospital was accredited by the American College of Radiology as a Breast Imaging Center.

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In addition, the hospital has received several awards from UHS, Inc. These include highest result in Employee Opinion Survey, Best Performer in Emergency Department Capacity Management, Best Performer in Surgery Throughput and Best Performer in Supply Chain Management. These awards and achievements are among some of the key indicators that the management of Texoma Medical Center under the leadership of its CEO, Ronald Seal has some of the best management strategies for the organization (About the Hospital, 2018).  However, these are not enough to diagnose the performance of a healthcare organization. In addition, the hospital is involved in several expansion programs for its infrastructure, the training and hiring of its staff as well as expanding the scope of services it offers to the community (About the Hospital, 2018).   Based on these strategies, the hospital has gained accreditation from the Joint Commission and has also been chosen as the best medical facility in Texoma by the Herald Democrat’s Best of Texoma poll (About the Hospital, 2018).

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Structure This is about how an organization is structured and the hierarchical layers present within that organization. Based on the size of an organization, it is necessary to have a proper internal structure as well as proper product classification. In the case of Texoma medical Centre, the facility is over 50 years old and as such has clear functional structure where each department is grouped based on its purpose. net/about/hospital-leadership 3. Systems These include all the formal and informal methods of procedures, operations and communication flows within the organization. Texoma Medical Center has an internal customer relationship management system that keeps proper records and files of its customers’ medical history. In addition, the hospital has its website from which its customers can directly book appointment with the relevant physicians. The organization also keeps an open tendering process for its infrastructural development projects.

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Excellence and Integrity are among the core values of Texoma Medical Center (About the Hospital, 2018).  This ensures that the employees of this facility including the physicians and the nurses are held to high standards of service delivery to the customers. Skills These involve the skills of the employees and the organization. At Texoma Medical Center, only accredited nurses and physicians are employed. This ensures that the organization only gets the best skilled personnel to work at the facility. It would also help the management of the organization develop full awareness of all the factors both positive and negative that would affect the strategic planning and decision making in the organization. SWOT analysis of Texoma Medical Center Swot analysis STRENGTHS • Rich history of good reputation • Quality Infrastructure • Highly trained and skilled staff • Well-developed departments WEAKNESSES • Weak customer services that leads to longer waiting times.

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• Increasing labor costs per patient. OPPORTUNITIES • New technology data as data mining and Artificial Intelligence. • Regional and International Expansion • Innovation THREATS • Competition from urgent care clinics • Government regulations Source: Developed for this study PESTEL analysis of Texoma Medical Center PESTEL analysis is a tool used by organizations and businesses to monitor the macro-level environmental factors that have an impact on the organization (Yüksel, 2012). Therefore, the people without these benefits will not be able to fully pay for their hospital bill. This implies that they are likely to seek help when they are unwell and will less likely visit a proper facility such as Texoma Medical center. Social Factors These include the shared beliefs and attitudes of a population. They may include factors such as age distribution, career attitudes, population growth, and health consciousness among others.

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Healthcare institutions such as Texoma Medical Center will rely on understanding the changes in the demographics as well as the public values. There are also apps which have been developed to enable patients get access to care faster. Texoma Medical Center is yet to develop its mobile app but is making use of its website to enable patients ask questions and get better healthcare service. Environmental Factors These factors have become important due to issue such as increasing scarcity of raw materials, carbon footprints targets set by governments, pollution targets as well as the need to conduct business as an ethical company (Yüksel, 2012). Healthcare facilities gave the responsibility of providing services in an ethical manner. Issues such as patients’ data privacy are key delivering healthcare. These perspectives include financial, stakeholder/customer, internal process, and organizational capacity.

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• Financial perspective considers the organizational financial performance and how it uses its financial resources. • Customer/Stakeholder perspective. This view the performance of an organization based on the point of view of the customers or other stakeholders that the organization serves (Bisbe & Barrubés, 2012). • Internal process perspective considers the performance of an organization based on the efficiency and quality related to the products or services and other key processes in the business. It is required that customers should take the minimum time possible at the facility to get the best available healthcare services. Another indicator is the average daily census. From the RVHSolutions data, the average daily census is falling. This is an indication that the facility is not retaining most of its clients due to dissatisfaction or other reasons. This may require a long term change in staffing to ensure that the best staffs are recruited by the organization.

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Safety and health is measured in terms of infection rate, restraint usage, and serious incidence, medication errors per dose, occupation injuries and perfect orders. Productivity as an internal process is also measured in terms of operating margin, profits expense. Using the statistics of the total operating revenue that indicates that Texoma medical center has increased its total operating revenue by 22. up by $57,561,104), the organization is profitable and thereby productive and as such is healthy from an internal process perspective (Texoma Medical Center In Tx – Oes – Rvh Solutions, 2018)  4. Organizational capacity perspective It is also referred to as the learning and growth perspective. Moreover, the facility has highly skilled and well trained staff. In its leadership and management, Texoma has a functional hierarchy with every department divided based on its functions. The company is headed by a CEO and has a board of directors and various head of departments.

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On the other hand, the assessment has identified that Texoma Medical Center has weak customer service that has led to longer waiting times for the patients. In addition the labor costs per patient are high (Pogue & Randall 2014). Use the latest technology (Artificial Intelligence) in the Organization One of the newest areas in healthcare practice is application of artificial intelligence for various activities such as intelligent diagnosis and treatment plan, intelligent information gathering and intelligent interaction and service delivery. One of the key programs will be to use AI assisted robotic surgery. Research has found out that Robot assisted surgery is more efficient and would help in reducing hospital stay by patients by at least 21%. In addition, it would result into fewer complications by at least five times and patients will heal faster since they will have minimum incursions.

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One of such operations is using the Heartlander miniature robot to perform heart surgeries. As a CEO, I would create autonomous departments where the head of department is in complete control of the department and is able to make critical decisions as the leader of that department. This will shorten the time of decision making especially in critical or emergency situations. Based on this change the new organization chart will be as follows; Texoma Medical Center Leadership Chart Source: Developed for this research with information from https://www. texomamedicalcenter. net/about/hospital-leadership Conclusion As the CEO of Texoma Medical facility, it is necessary to conduct proper assessment of the organization to inform decision making. Bisbe, J. and Barrubés, J. The balanced scorecard as a management tool for assessing and monitoring strategy implementation in health care organizations.

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 Revista Española de Cardiología (English Edition), 65(10), pp. Conditions & Services (2018). and Randall, M. Surprise medical bills take advantage of Texans.  Center for Public Policy Priorities. Ravanfar, M. M. D. Scholten, G. R. and van Wijk, K. P.

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