Social Theory to Work and Family

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Sociology

Document 1

Therefore, it calls for adjustment within the two environments to ensure flexibility and productivity due to the dynamic expectations that are required. Based on these assertions, a detailed explanation will be provided to explain how the sociological theories such as conflict, spill over as well as social dominance are applicable to the context. Furthermore, an empirical analysis will be provided to substantiate how the work and family experiences meet different expectations. Discussion Family and work conflicts are rampant in the modern society. Social changes are prevalent due to the status, resources, and power present at the family and work institutions. Therefore, the need to have a peaceful environment requires an understanding of the prevailing situation. Public opinionists posit that individuals have conflicts both at home and in the work-place. Conflicts affect the total outcome and commitment both at home and at the family.

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An emotional individual has problems handling both home and work pressures. In most instances, it results in conflict leading to lack of a finite understanding between individuals at home and at the work-place. The need of maintaining a stable internal organization is what matters in any institution. Thus through the theory, it can be stated that having a united course has great benefits due to the arrangement and organization of both institutions. From my experience, it can be stated that both work and family institutions may share the values, symbols and even the systems of exchange. The need for a strong interdependence both at the family level and work-place needs to be initiated for a strong foundation (Sprung, Toumbeva, & Matthews, 2015). Most families and work institutions strive to have a uniform understanding.

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The family influence makes it necessary to have friends at the office that offer the same comfort afforded at the home environment. The family-like network at work is observable on my coworkers. There are different groups that integrate and form a tight-knit family. The groups take breaks together and even have an outside work relationship. The spillover effect also arises in the home environment. The positive spillover effects at the office are less pronounced and are designed to appear work related. The family closeness is defined as teamwork and therefore, eliminates the link to the family concept. The negative effects are more pronounced in the home environment. The stressors tend to create sour and irreversible problems with the family members. The frequency of arguments attests to the negative influence of the workplace stressors.

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The social dominance theory stipulates the automatic assignment of resources based on a predefined societal hierarchy. The allocation criterion prescribes task allocation to members of the society (Stanley et al. The male gender has consistently emerged at the top of the social dominance hierarchy. The task allocation has consistently relied on gender in the society. Some segments of the society like the military still insist on allocation tasks based on gender. Ray, D. Ethnicity and conflict: Theory and facts. science, 336(6083), 858-865. Huffman, A. H. Lorys, A. Feeling work at home: A transactional model of women and men’s negative affective spillover from work to family. In Gender and the work-family experience (pp. Springer, Cham. Nomaguchi, K. M. Toumbeva, T. H. Matthews, R. A. L. Dimensions of social dominance and their associations with environmentalism.

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Personality and Individual Differences, 107, 228-236.

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