Language socialization and schooling research

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Sociology

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In this research paper, we shall analyze some the relevant factor that affects a person’s language socialization and schooling. We shall analyze the life and personal experiences of an interviewee by the name Narmine. She is a female American with three different language and cultural background, who has defied her odds to school and even go to the university. We shall analyze her childhood life, as well, as her school life, while pinpointing the critical events that have led to her success in socialization and education. From her story, we will be able to learn that it is not easy for a multi-cultured individual to learn. This is because, in such a setting, a personal interview will allow the participant to explain further, and elaborate more, then just receiving a yes or no answer.

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In a personal interview, the interviewer can ask the same question in different angles, in order to ensure that the information is consistent, as well as if it is reliable. Bu asking the same question from different angles, the interviewer or the researcher can be able to detect inconsistency or even lies from the participant. To ensure a good flow of the interview, the participant was asked various specific research questions in order to ensure a structured personal interview. These questions would ensure that we touch on every single topic that is important in the study. Theoretical Framework According to Ochs & Schieffelin (2007), the theoretical frameworks and methodologies of the language socialization approach have been developed from cross-fertilization between sociolinguistics and psycholinguistic studies pertaining to language acquisition. Theoretically, a child will first acquire the language of his or her parent, which in most cases might be the cultural language.

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For instance, a child born of Spanish parents will most likely be brought up with the Spanish language, and might only start to learn English only when joining the school, or even in other instances, after joining college. The acquisition of sociocultural structures, practices, knowledge, and values is easily adapted by a child when growing up. However, when a child starts to learn how to read and socialize in another language they may experience a hard time. In this study, the researchers sensitized that if teachers start to look at language as the basis of culture and identity, then it is critical for the teacher to understand the culture and identity of the student in order to connect with the student in a better manner. It is clear from many researchers that the first language is the easiest to be understood by a child.

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But for children born in different language and culture, learning a second or a third language can be difficult, especially if the environment does not encourage diversity. According to Ervin-Tripp, S. children from a different cultural background require special attention from the teachers, as well as, the parents so as to encourage her to learn and understand life better. This kind of upbringing according to Narmine, is what has molded her to become an outspoken, fearless, and courageous women that she is. The participant also confirmed that she is proud of how her mother brought her up, and it even contributed to her getting good grades at the school since she was hardworking. In the interview, she explained how her mother allowed her to explore and do things in order she can learn from experience.

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She would also find a nice way to communicate with her daughter and give her advice, yelling was not her thing. The participant also proved that children from multi-cultured background have to be given special attention to ensure that they get the best education and that they understand what is being taught. Language Socialization, (255-272). DOI 10. Mangual Figueroa, A. Baquedano-López, P. Language Socialization and Schooling. A. Fogle, L. W. Family language policy. Language Policy and Political Issues in Education, (1-13).

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