Normal and Natural Human Behaviors

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Sociology

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The study involves studying interpersonal relationships as well as how individuals circulate their ideas, goods, beliefs, and people across the world. In most cases, people try to understand the world they live, their contribution to the changing world and the differences between one person’s experiences to another. Different individuals vary in thoughts on human life and the society; some believes in mystery while others believe that there is no such thing as imaginary or fantasy world. According to Acquisti et al (2015), humans are like social animals, who rely on sharing information and socializing to conjure human connections with other individuals and the environment. On the other hand, there are various unexplained actions that happen in society and are viewed differently by different individuals. In some cases, what is considered normal or abnormal can result in social ramifications such as exclusion, inclusion or stigmatization by the larger society.

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The term natural refers to items that exist in nature, they are not made or caused by human beings. They are unaltered without extra substances or chemicals. Examples of natural resources include air, water, wood, oil, wind, coal, and iron. Human beings are also influenced by nature in talent, skills, and abilities. In this case, the term normal and natural can be used to refer to a person’s normal behavior which happens naturally. Yes, a person’s behavior can be defined as both normal and natural. For example, the behavior of a young boy who enjoys playing and making toys with other kids in the yard is both normal and natural. The young boy’s actions are both normal and natural in the sense that, normally children should socialize and play with other kids and his natural talents include the ability to make functional toys which he enjoys playing with other kids.

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It is in people’s instinct to behave both normally and naturally. Human Nature Human nature refers to a series of fundamental characteristics that include thinking, acting and feelings, which human beings tend to have naturally. Over the years, philosophers and scientists have attempted to understand whether there are fixed characteristics, what the natural characteristics are and what causes them. The concept of human nature is originally contrasted to not only with unusual human behavior and characteristics but also with characteristics derived from various upbringings and cultures. In natural science, people have discussed nature versus nurture issue in relation to human nature. Berger and Luckman argued that men form a human environment with the making of psychological and social-cultural formations. Others refer to them as an abomination. How Homosexuality and Heterosexuality can be Considered Normal or Natural Homosexuality refers to romantic engagement or sexual attraction between people of the same gender.

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The couple made of two men are considered gay while those made of two women are called lesbians. Scientifically, sexual orientation is highly influenced by complex interactions of cognitive, environmental and biological factors. Homosexuality was forbidden and was regarded as a crime but the number of homosexuals has rapidly increased over the past few decades. In response to these arguments, a significant number of individuals between the age of 16 and 55 of the world’s population constitute of gay people. Logically, it means that it happens naturally cannot be forced or changed. Secondly, homosexuality is experienced in all cultures and over the years, it has been accepted by many. Due to the current changes and perception of homosexuality, it is defined as normal since it is common and widely known across the world.

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In some countries, gay marriages have been legalized which have encouraged people to accept their nature and act normally like other individuals. These individuals can also be identified as straight in the sense that they are attracted to the opposite as it is supported by the social and religious customs. In other words, boys who like girls and men who like women are identified as heterosexuals. Many people raised have many questions whether heterosexual is normal or natural. The attraction between a man and a woman is regarded as normal because it is common and allowed in all communities across the world. According to traditions and religious customs, normal couples constitute of a man and a woman, therefore, heterosexuals follow norms dedicated to retaining progress in the community. On the contrary, there are several disadvantages of been a heterosexual including the fact that you are limited to the entire section of human sexual experiences.

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Accidental or unwanted pregnancies are a concern to heterosexual women. Sociology of Sexuality The sociology of sexuality attempts to understand sex, gender, and sexual orientation. In many societies, especially, the western society defines heterosexuality as the norm and follows the natural order. Sexual orientation was discovered with the concept of homosexuality in the 1860s (Diorio, 2016). On the contrary, gay and lesbian couples are of the same sex, therefore, they are incapable of producing offsprings naturally. They rely on artificial insemination and adoption. Evidently, sexual orientation has a great impact on the progress of a community. Different species including human beings and animals rely on reproduction to avoid extinction. Human beings are responsible for having children in order to support the continuity of the human species. Human beings have a moral responsibility to ensure the continuity of the human race.

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Conclusion Sociology studies help individuals learn more about themselves, the people around them and how they relate to each other. The society believes in customs, norms and natural order which help to maintain quality behavior and character among the people in a community. Change is inevitable and over the past few decades there have been changes including different sexual orientation and some of them are considered normal and natural while others are regarded as abnormal and unnatural. Different individuals may different sexual orientations but it does not change their humanity. In Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans People (LGBT) and the Criminal Justice System (pp. Palgrave Macmillan, London. Diorio, J. A. Changing discourse, learning sex, and non-coital heterosexuality.

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