Creating an inclusive environment
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Education
Background Statement For this assignment, I managed to get two professional tutors with higher levels of learning and experience than mine, and who have been exposed to environments that require higher sensitive perspective on the issue of inclusivity. The first interviewee was a college professor and old friend of mine from way back when he was my high school teacher; Professor Liu. He himself is from a different ethnic background, and for most part of his teaching career he has been dealing with students of different socio-economic background, gender, ability, ethnicity, and even in some cases those with special educational need. He has been working as a tutor on different professional levels (as he has been enhancing his education as well) for more than 22 years and has worked in different institutions which used to have different values about inclusivity before the times changed.
The second interview was conducted with one the tutors at the Capella University, where I am advancing my education. Moreover, just like any other employee, Professor Shannon believes that tutors should ensure that they address all issues in a professional way, as stipulated by the rules and guidelines provided by educational institutions, especially matters pertaining inclusivity and diversity. Strategies for Inclusive Learning Environments Various ways came up the discussion that can be used to incorporate diversity into the classroom. Professor Liu held that it all depends on the goals that the tutor has for the students and that it is not a one-step process, where the tutor incorporates diverse perspectives into the provided course content or start to teach lesson about cultural differences. The secret to approaching this issue lies in ensuring that the classroom is a welcoming place to all ideas and ensuring that everyone shows deep respect to the existing differences or others that they may come across in the course of learning (Jones, 2018).
On the other hand, Professor Shannon insisted on the fact that the process of teaching students on being accommodative to the differences that other people may have with regard to their views, beliefs, gender, ethnicity, or other factors, should always begin at a very young age. Plan for the Application of Strategies In the first three months I will strive to create a welcoming environment by instilling open-mindedness to my students by encouraging them to see the differences as way that help them grow together as a class as all people have different skills. The next three months will be about teaching the students new policies that will help them develop respect for others, for the m too to earn similar respect from them. After six months, I will start to incorporate the strategies in my teaching methods and course material, and will do so for the rest of my professional career.
Also, after the six months will start to welcome students to share their views in a respectful way. Conclusions or "Big Ideas" In conclusion, the main idea and strategies for inclusivity and diversity is based on the policies and ways of teaching the students. Goldberg, A. E. Black, K. Sweeney, K. Moyer, A. E. Establishing Differences Between Diversity Requirements and Other Courses with Varying Degrees of Diversity Inclusivity. JGE: The Journal of General Education, 60(2), 117–137. Rex, L. A.
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