Do violent video games have an effect on children

Document Type:Outline

Subject Area:English

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Although more than 85% of video games on the market contain violent scenes, many studies have shown that violent video games have little to no effect on a child; nonetheless, implementing the age restriction rule on video game should be considered more often to eliminate future possibilities of video games becoming a window to aggression. Main Points 1. Playing video games does not meaningfully predict youth violence, there are more influential actors which include social variables and the family. Frequent association of playing video games with violent crimes does not provide enough evidence that exposure of children to video gaming is a contributing causal factor in violent behavior. Parents can take steps to limit the possible effects video gaming could have on their children. CLAIM Violent behaviors in schools have been associated with playing video games but this is not enough evidence that playing video games leads to violent behavior.

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QUOTE “Frequent associations with violent crimes do not, in themselves, constitute strong scientific evidence that exposure to violent video games is a contributing causal factor in violent behavior” (Violent Video Games: Background and overview. COMMENT This shows clearly that playing video games has little correlation with violent behavior among children. Such a claim is, therefore, not valid. BODY PARAGRAPH THREE: TOPIC SENTENCE Parents can take steps to limit the possible effects video gaming could have on their children. Research has found out that video games are not meaningful predictors of youth violence and that the family and social background are more influential. In addition, the fact that people associate violence in schools to the playing of video games does not provide enough evidence that exposing children to violent video games contributes to violent behavior.

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Finally, it is suggested that parents should take any necessary steps to limit any possible effects video gaming could have on their children. To sum up, video gaming does not contribute as much to violent behavior as many people think. Works Cited DeCamp, Whitney, and Christopher J.

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