Human Activities Encourages Global Warming

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Political Views A. Adapting to current technologies 1. According to the economist in 2015, individuals have to live under the earth in a manner that they could be able to survive within the current technologies. In this case, the sun and wind technologies have contributed to global warming and instead of correcting them; the Economist journal describes the need for individuals to adapt. B. Skeptical human beings, in this case, tend to be the most significant causes of climate change. People who are skeptical do not have the ability to predict the changes in climate change as illustrated in the computer models. The IPCC body had been skeptic while addressing human causes of global warming and therefore there is a need for the aspect to be dismantled to remove any bias and disregard the aspect of skepticism.

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II. Human feelings A. Use of wind and solar energy to produce clean energy inform of electricity Introduction Climate change is an actual change in the normal weather of a given place. This could be seen in the reduction in the amount of rainfall that is received per year within a certain place as well as the changes in temperature. This is also changing in the weather of the earth and maybe a change in where the rains and snow are commonly expected to fall on the earth. The climate of the earth according to a researcher is getting warmer and this aspect had been leading to issues such as global warming in some parts of the earth. Majority of the Americans do not believe in the scientific idea that the earth is warming and they term any challenges in climate as a distant problem only affecting the third world countries.

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The Kim Kardashian which was a television star, in this case, received more views than the real aspect of climate change. The searches through google for the climate change were reduced in 2007 as compared to those who were searching for Kim Kardashian. This implies that people were more interested in politics and the more they get concerned with politics, the more climate changes continue to worsen. Developed countries tend to consider climate change as a very important issue while in the poor countries; climate change is considered the last thing. It has also been clear according to the journal that the poor are less concerned about the changes in climate while the rich who are often the leading political class in every country have more concern about the changes in climate.

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For this situation, because of the way that there was likewise a dangerous atmospheric devation before the current an Earth-wide temperature boost couldn't be credited to human exercises. Likewise, there have additionally been cool periods in the past toward the finish of the medieval period. This period was known as the Little Ice Age. This prompted the liberating of the Thames in London and in addition in the brilliant horn and part of the Bosporus in 1622. After the Vikings left Greenland in the fifteenth century, life there was exceptionally inconceivable. The expanded levels of carbon dioxide have ascended after an outrageous ascent in an Earth-wide temperature boost. This is to state that, if the ascents in carbon dioxide were a reason for an unnatural weather change, it ought not to have occurred after a dangerous atmospheric devation.

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Skepticism as well among human beings contributed to the widening gap of climate change in America and the rest of the world. Skeptical human beings, in this case, tend to be the most significant causes of climate change. People who are skeptical do not have the ability to predict the changes in climate change as illustrated in the computer models. Climate skeptics are wrong because they have no basic theory that had been proofed to represent the activities that they believed. They simply believe in generalizations that are not based on any evidence. Skeptics as well do not rely on consensus science and therefore they carry their activities individually. Skeptics in most cases believe on the issue of polls while in the real sense science cannot be confirmed by poll but mostly on the basis of research which provided empirical data.

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Albert Einstein theory had been criticized by one hundred people on the basis that his theory did not have satisfactory evidence relating to climate change. Those who are concerned with taking care of the environment in most cases have been spreading a lot of fear about the destruction of the earth as a result of global warming. Due to this fear, the political class could be seen to be saving the world from the menace while the media on the other hand had been creating sensations as well as conflict. In addition to this, the science organizations have also been creating some frenzy situations while contributing more grants leading to extreme fear among the human beings. At the same time the businesses want to grow up and be strong enough while carrying heavy projects and therefore creating more fear on the final end with ongoing feelings of climate change.

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The solar arrays and wind farms have been contributing to a lot of climatic challenges despite an increased use by populations. Following this, the IPCC followers have been calling for massive celebration of carbon dioxide leading to its increase upon the surface of the earth. This confusion had made IPCC believers as well as those who had limited understanding of the impacts of increased level of carbon dioxide to apprehend and finally causing global warming (Patric, 20). The Americans confusion on climate change has divided parties leading to a group supporting the fact that human activities are the main cause while others are denying. Majority of the Americans are confused about the causes of climate change but often call for the reduction in the production of carbon dioxide (Leiserowitz, 70). This had led to the fact that seventy percent of the Americans believe the fact that global warming is taking place while the rest are still confused.

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According to these groups of people, they believe that global warming can only affect the less developed nations. There is no state in America that had reached the level of fifty percent in accepting that global warming is currently causing any harm to them (Cook et al. The production of fossil fuels, as well as the massive production of the carbon dioxide in several parts of America, had therefore been a normal activity. The assumption that global warming is a distant problem among many Americans had led to a decline in developing measurements that could be used to save the earth in the future despite awareness from scientists. When questioned, many Americans believe that the issues of global warming would only have a tremendous impact on third world countries. Many Americans are not certain that the problem is affecting them at the moment but believe the challenges upon developing nations.

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Limited trust in the scientific idea that the earth is warming implies uncertainty among several Americans. The political stand as well among the Republicans and the Democrats has also given voters some uncertain consideration on climatic changes. Skeptical human beings tend to be the most significant causes of climate change because they do not have the ability to predict the changes in climate as illustrated in the computer models. They do not see the rate of increasing carbon dioxide on the surface of the earth attributes to an increased emission of the fossil fuels. The choices that are made by individuals because of being unsure in some instances are very dangerous for prolonging the disaster to continue for years. Many Americans are not certain that the problem is affecting them at the moment but believe the challenges upon developing nations.

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There is no state in America that had reached the level of fifty percent in accepting that global warming is currently causing any harm among them. The production of fossil fuels as well as massive production of the carbon dioxide in several parts in America had therefore been a normal activity. The assumption that global warming is a distant problem among many Americans had led to a decline in developing measurements that could be used to save the earth in the future despite awareness from scientists. In this case, the warming on the medieval period happened in those days where the human contribution of the greenhouse effects was actually very minimal. Issues such as the tree rings and the ocean cores have been used by scientists to describe the fact that the medieval period did actually exist.

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In this case, due to the fact that there was also global warming in the past, the current global warming could not be attributed to human activities. In addition to this, there have also been cold periods in the past at the end of the mediaeval period. This period was known as the Little Ice Age.  Climatic change 77. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Science. American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2014. Oreskes, Naomi.

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