The Story of an Hour and The Storm Analysis

Document Type:Outline

Subject Area:English

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com I. Put answers to “Discovery Checklist” page 827 (Short Story) and/or page 828 (Poem) for both stories you wish to write your essay on 1. “Title” and Author of works selected? Story 1: The Story of an Hour Author: Kate Chopin Story 2: The Storm Author: Kate Chopin 2. What is your reaction/evaluation of the story/poem? Story 1: My evaluation on “The Story of an Hour” is that married women are oppressed and lack the freedom to express their free-will. Story 2: “The Storm” represents the real life situation in which married couples are untrustworthy and often engage in love relationships outside the marriage. Story 2: The mood in “The Storm” is comic and ironic. For example, Calixta feels so happy after making love to Alce Laballiere. Instead of feel sad because her husband is late, she seems to be so happy.

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What are the characters like? Describe their personalities, trains, motivations based on their actions, speech, habits. Story 1: The characters in “The Story of an Hour” include: Louise Mallard- She lacks the freedom to exercise her will because the husband confines her in the house. Bobint- he is caring because he never wants to disappoint his wife, Calixta. Clarissa- she is Alce’s wife and loves spending time with her husband, Alce. What strategies does the author use to develop the characters? Story 1: In “The Story of an Hour” the author uses change and character growth to develop the characters. Story 2: In “The Storm” the author uses the same growth as a strategy to develop the characters. Who is the protagonist/antagonist? Story 1: In “The Story of an Hour” Louise Mallard is the protagonist.

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Story 2: In “The Storm” the same author uses informal writing because the work was published later in the late 19th century. What are the external and internal conflicts? Story 1: The internal conflicts in “The Story of an Hour” arise between Louise and her husband Mallard because he is very oppressive and denies he her the freedom. However, the external conflict arise between Louise and the outside world that seems to be cruel. Story 2: The internal conflict in “The Storm” arise when Calixta makes love to Alce without her husband’s knowledge. On the other hand, the external conflict arise when Clarissa decides to settle with Alce without the knowledge that he is untrustworthy. Story 2: The title “The Storm” is symbolic in the sense that it represents the literal passion storm between the two main characters.

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Also, the shrimp is symbolizes tenderness and the feeling of love between Bobinot and Calixta. Additionally, the rain is a symbol of washing away the characters’ sins but on contrary, it introduces the sins. What does the title mean? Story 1: The title “The Story of an Hour” means that the actions of the characters seem to unfold in a very short time, basically an hour. Story 2: “The Storm” is a self-explanatory title that focuses on extramarital affairs. THESIS STATEMENT Ex: In “The Lottery,” author Shirley Jackson uses symbolism and irony to reveal the tragic theme of traditions that have lost their meaning can still move people to abnormal and thoughtless action. Thesis: Story 1: In “The Story of an Hour,” author Kate Chopin uses situational irony and symbolism to reveal the truth about the theme of feminism and lack of freedom among married women who are confined in their homes.

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Story 2: In “The Storm” author Kate Chopin uses irony and symbolism to bring out the theme of love, feminism and chastity issues that most of the married couples deal with in their daily lives. Main Points (Topics for Body Paragraphs) – How you will Prove Thesis? What literary elements or themes? Story 1: “The Story of an Hour” 1. Louise Mallard cries after her husband’s death although she is happy because she is assured of freedom.

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