Educational policy theories

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Education

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The field that theories have played a great role in its overall development and outlook is the field of education. Education is one of the key areas in the present world that has continued to amass considerable attention in society. Therefore, to fully develop and ensure that the students and the general community have a full glimpse and understanding of the education matters, it is important to apply the use of the theoretical frameworks and existing theories to create the best use and understand the overall concepts that inform the theoretical overview of the education matters. Various theories have been developed to explain and fully analyze the major developments surrounding education. The theoretical framework of education is key concepts that need more elaborate scrutiny to apply them fully. Therefore, the multiple streams analysis provide a robust way of discussing, analyzing and recreating the many concepts that touch on the human life and which allows the people to air out all their views before finally making and arriving a more viable conclusion.

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The development and the usage of the multiple stream analysis provide an irresistible movement that sweeps over our politics and our society, pushing aside everything that might stand in its path. According to Belant & Howlett (2016), the multiple stream analysis is developed to establish the most advance method of problem-solving and ensuring that all the problems that affect the education framework get attention based on how they are ‘framed’ or defined by participants who compete for attention – using evidence to address uncertainty and persuasion to address the ambiguity. The application of this concept is manageable, and it is more of problem solving than problem identification. The applicability of the multiple stream analysis on the policy-making works by the process of policymakers identify problems bureaucracies perform a comprehensive analysis to produce various solutions and policymakers select the best solution.

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The same system is what is needed to produce and to develop the most coherent way of managing the organizational view through liaising with the immediate community towards advocating for policy change. It also helps in initiating the process of getting the public overview on the changes in the policy that needs to be implemented and also creating the most coherent way of ensuring that the people are fully included in the decision-making platform. The same process will provide the most adaptive way of managing the organizational growth and any distress that may occur, and which may jeopardize the overall outlook of the organization. According to Weible et al. the development and the application of this framework provide the best system that is needed to introduce a new policy in the making and also make any policies that are needed to propagate positive growth in the education system.

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People tend to develop a more subjective content that is also valued with objectivity and which can hold ground in case of any need to develop a discussion herein that is needed to convince other people into buying the same idea. According to Schneider & Sidney (2009), the same is made real with the common knowledge that the people share and the overall overview that will be created to fit into the common ideologies that are known of the society. Reckwitz (2002), on the other hand, develops that the creation and the understanding of knowledge as a belief in which people can have reasonable confidence on common sense understanding and consensual notion as to what constitutes knowledge. Therefore, in applying the same concept in education, the educators and the immediate people who need to know, developed and created on the societal view will establish an idea, test its objectivity before fully determining how to implement its usage fully.

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The education framework is made up of ideas, and views that were developed by the private people and which have so far evolved into a more concise criterion of knowledge and studying in the society. All these are facilitated in the education system, and they allow for a more robust way of sharing and creating knowledge that is inherent at facilitating and creating the most articulate knowledge modeling in the community. The education family provides the application and the utilization of the same knowledge within the mass usage and hence the development of knowledge that will facilitate positivity in the human ecosystem. Garbage Can Model The Garbage Can Model is a decision making based theory. It is a theory that is used to establish how the organization can help create the most inherent decision-making processes within the organizational in archival setting and the various issues that are associated with the same.

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The theory asserts how the organization can develop the most inherent way of problem-solving and decision making that will be more inclusive and well suited towards achieving its significant role within the organizational framework. The complete utilization of these theories provide a more inclusive method of knowledge creation and development to fit the immediate needs of the students, and the best policy creation that is equally compelling and more inclined to the needs of the learners and the general community. References Béland, D. Howlett, M. The role and impact of the multiple-streams approach in comparative policy analysis. Cairney, Paul, and Michael D. D. Peterson, H. L. Pierce, J. J. Toward a theory of social practices: A development in culturalist theorizing.  European journal of social theory, 5(2), 243-263. Sabatier, P. A. Weible, C.

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A. Jenkins‐Smith, H. C. Nohrstedt, D. Henry, A.

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