Explain the role that FDA plays in regulation of dietary supplements

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Education

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FDA is mandated with the role to regulate both finished dietary supplement products and dietary ingredients. The set of regulations subjected to dietary supplements is found to be different from those regulations covering conventional foods and drugs products. The roles of FDA in regulating supplementary products is enshrined in the U. S. constitution under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994. Briefly discuss the conclusions or findings that were found in the IOC Nutritional Supplement Study? List 3 organizations that are available to protect the consumer/athlete from contaminated or mis-labeled supplements? Provide a brief description of each organization. The IOC nutritional supplement study concluded that supplements that are consumed by athletes are based on unfolded beliefs rather than on any clear understanding of the issues at stake. The study also found that if some of these dietary supplements are used appropriately, they can offer benefits to the elite athletes, however some may be harmful o health and or performance (Nieper, pg.

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The study also found that athletes should only consume supplements when the risks are too low and a health benefit is likely, though there is limited evidence base for most supplement. Due to some reported cases of doping after ingesting dietary supplements, the IOC has vowed to discourage young athletes from using supplements to boost their health except in cases where the full evaluation of nutritional status is warranted (Nieper, pg. that is responsible in protecting consumers against ingesting mislabeled food substances by ensuring that they are safe for consumption. FDA also prohibits mislabeled and contaminated supplements into the U. S. consumer market. List 2 studies found on your selected ingredient in your supplement. Journal/ published, peer-reviewed) The two studies are published in 2007 in a journal article known as Sports supplement Buyer’s Guide by S.

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Adele and R. Jalali. Both authors are professional books writers who are contracted by amazon. com to publish books concerning the significant use of supplements by athletes (Rader, Jeanne, Pierluigi, and Mary, pg. C. Methods used (duration of treatment, dose, placebo, etc) They administered different doses to the different specimens and observation was made. D. Findings (results): After slaughtering the specimens to find out the level of nitric oxide in their bodies, they could not find the manufacturers claims and thus resulted to the scientific arguments from the bodies’ reaction. Such findings refute the manufacturers’ argument on the mode of action of the supplements. A. List any dangers or harmful effects, if any? The ingredient has some possible side effects to the users such as mild to severe headache, possible diarrhea, and some reported cases of sexual dysfunction, increased tension, and increased blood pressure (Kreider, et al.

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pg. B. Is it legal or banned by any sport’s governing body? (IOC, WADA, NCAA, NFL, MLB, etc) The ingredient has not been banned by any sport’s governing body whoever, testing is being conducted to ascertain its viability in the market due to the increase cases of doping among the elite athletes (Kreider, et al. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 25. Kreider, Richard B. et al. ISSN exercise & sport nutrition review: research & recommendations. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 7.

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