Five aspects of difficulties in reading for kids

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Education

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These include words that need to be understood while speaking, listening, writing and reading. Vocabulary is very important in comprehension. If a student does not understand the meaning of many words in a text, they are unable to comprehend what the text means. The perspective of kids with difficulties in vocabulary is that they will develop a negative attitude towards reading, and consider the whole idea of reading stupid. Some will express it in statements denoting their difficulties in understanding what their friends were describing such as a movie, and some hate reading simply because they can’t understand the vocabulary used in the books. Sufficient vocabulary is key in comprehension. Sufficient comprehension entails linking what is read with thoughts and reasoning. Kids will express challenges with comprehension in various ways.

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They are likely to confess that they take very long to read something, or they will state that no image was formed in their minds while reading, or they will state that they never understood what a particular text really meant. Parents will discover this challenge when the kid is not able to give a summary of a book or a passage. This will improve their comprehension. c) Phonological awareness This entails manipulation of parts of oral language like syllables, rimes, and words. Students with phonological awareness can make oral rhymes and clap out syllables in a word, recognizing the words, which have similar initial sounds like money and mother. Students with difficulties in this generally have a negative attitude towards reading. They have difficulties telling how many syllables is in a word, for example, their name.

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In school, teachers should teach children phonological skills and also help them one-by-one to acquire phonemic awareness. d) Fluency This refers to the ability to read a passage with accuracy, appropriate expression, and speed. For proper understanding, children have to read fluently. While reading loudly, fluent readers place intonation appropriately. As it is in many cases, kids with fluency issues hate reading. At home, parents should encourage and support these children, knowing that they are very likely to be frustrated by reading. They should remind their children to pause between phrases. In school, the teacher should help the child with word recognition. Ask them to match their voices with the teacher’s voice when reading a passage loudly. Another way of helping this kind of a child is by reading them a short passage, and then ask the child to read it back immediately.

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While reading, the teacher will notice that the student guesses the words after seeing their first letter. Kids can help themselves by identifying letter patterns on written materials all around them. They should learn to sound out words and give attention to the writings and learn to look at all the letters of a certain word instead of the first or two. Parents can help their children by assisting them to connect what they have been taught in school with the writing in the house, newspapers or other materials. The children should be encouraged to write e-mails, letters, and notes using their knowledge of letters and sounds.

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