Healthcare Challenges of African American Women with Disabilities
Document Type:Thesis
Subject Area:Social Work
Some of the environmental and personal factors are: limited social support, inability to access some public buildings or mode of transport and negative attitude. According to World Health Organization report of 2011 an estimated 16 percent of the 7 billion world population is living with disabilities, some of which are severe. An estimated 100-200 million people across the globe are living with severe disabilities. A greater percentage of this approximated figure is reported to be women and 80 percent are residence or hail from developing countries. Women with disabilities are so vulnerable and they go through tough times in their life. The research intends to understand African-American women living with disabilities and how they react with social and physical environment, how they strive to overcome the challenges that they face and lastly their take on healthcare service experiences within the United States of America.
Objective To explore the perceptions, experiences and understandings of African-American women living with disabilities in accessing and seeking the government and other organizations provided healthcare services within the United States of America. Research Question 1) How do African-American women living with disabilities describe and understand daily experiences in seeking and accessing government and other organizations provided healthcare services in United States of America? 2) What are some of the challenges that can be highlighted from the experiences of African-American women living with disabilities in United States of America in accessing healthcare services? 3) How can laws and policies be formulated so as to improve African-American women living with disabilities in accessing the healthcare services? Hypothesis A hypothesis is a formal question that the researcher intends to resolve. This research has two hypotheses stated below: H1 – African-American women with disabilities limited access to healthcare services H1 – Healthcare laws and policies favors not African-American women living with disabilities.
CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW Disability is not only a concept that is paramount in the health sector but it also covers the even the social aspect of an individual. Most of these programs are focusing on charity framework and healthcare services to women with disabilities. Ferry-Parker reported that these programs benefits majorly non-African-American women with disabilities. Thus even make the African-American women with disabilities vulnerable and helpless in their own country. This report by Ferry-Parker also reports a discrepancy and discrimination in the selection application of the government support to women with disabilities. According to Ferry-Parker study and analysis, the existing gap is due to the poor modes of program adoption and implementations by the Ministry of Social Welfare and Ministry of Health in African-American states (Ferry-Parker, 2017). An observation method hat is solely used to seek for a clarification from respondents is adopted.
Research Variables This can be defined as anything that has quality and quantity that varies and in this study; the variables are African-American women living with disabilities and their level of seeking and accessing governmental and non-governmental healthcare services. Variables are of two types, namely, dependent variables and independent variables. Dependent Variable This is normally the variable that any researcher is interested in. Changes that are experienced by dependent variables greatly constitute the interest of the researcher. London: Jessica Kingsley. McCarthy, M. Supporting women with learning disabilities through the menopause. Willmuth, M. E. ZS/countries?display=graph World Health Organization. International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps.
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