High School Geared Towards educating Adolescents
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Education
The adolescent stage is often a highly influenced stage of human growth. It is mostly influence by peers and parents. An institution that also plays a major role during adolescence is the school. It plays a crucial part in the vocational, intellectual and psychosocial development of the young adolescents. Curricula, extra curricula school activities and teachers provide and act as raw materials that assist adolescents in their development and growth of a sense of self while increasing the base of skill and knowledge. The theory acknowledges the effects of an interaction that occurs between an individual and their surrounding environment. The surrounding environment enable students to observe actions, intellectually understand its consequences and advantage. With a positive environment, adolescents become motivated, repeat the action and adopt it. Human behaviors are affected by several structural factors such as policies, service availability and social factors like peer influence and social norms.
A high school that is geared towards educating adolescents should first acknowledge how the school environment influences their cognitive and social behaviors. Supporting research also reveal that issuing class assignments that foster democratic and positive group dynamics has proven advantageous academic achievement for teenagers. How Students Differ in their Approaches to Learning Adolescence is one of the most challenging time for parents, teachers and the children as well. No one can be ever know what aspect of the adolescence stage will impact a child and in what way they will react to it. The only way to ensure an upper hand with the problems of adolescence is through knowledge and creating approaches to face it. Just like not all adolescents are not the same, so should be the learning approaches implemented in schools.
This model is often applied with active learning. The teacher is held responsible for manipulating student similarities and diversities by; modeling interactions with the subject, providing examples and solutions to problems and demonstrating how an issue can be approached. These teachers also provide guided practice in class, this is often done by assigning group work while emphasizing on constructive feedbacks and also assigning independent classwork while emphasizing on mastery learning. Adolescents will become a bit more focused on learning when it is intertwined with fun. Direct instruction and active learning can combine and include online teaching which capture the students’ imagination. Research conducted by one Dr. Moely and his colleague revealed that metacognition is a skill that can be taught in schools and is central to other essential skills such as decision making, critical thinking and problem thinking.
Hormonal changes that occur during the adolescent stage cause teenagers to be overly emotional, and therefore when it comes to cognition, adolescents think and base most of their decisions in regards to their emotions without critically examining the truth values of their thought processes. Without proper channeling of these emotions, adolescents lose focus in their school work and grab on to images, beliefs and slogans that resonate emotionally to them. Schools that aim to educate their teenagers focus on metacognitive skills to ensure these teenagers do not fall into media hoaxes, cults, toxic political movements and institutions that are not grounded on rational principles (Weil et al. Students and especially adolescent students engage when they are given the opportunity to become their learning agent. These schools enhance student self-beliefs by allowing students to work on achieving their own personal goals.
These schools study and survey students to get data on their strengths, likes, weaknesses and dislikes so that teachers are able to connect at a personal level with their students. These schools implement strategies that allow students to autonomously work, feel they are competent, enjoy new formed relationships with their peers and learn as a team on a daily basis. Creating collaborative and active learning opportunities which promote effective learning relationships for adolescents. Schools should utilize the adolescent mind and emotions towards expounding teenage learning achievements. References Assessing and Addressing Literacy Needs: Cases and Instructional Strategies Assessing and addressing literacy needs: Cases and instructional strategies. doi:10. David Owen and Alvin Vista. February 8). Macklem, G. L. Student Engagement, Motivation, and Active Learning. Preventive Mental Health at School, 41-68. doi:10. … Blakemore, S. The development of metacognitive ability in adolescence.
Consciousness and Cognition, 22(1), 264-271. doi:10. j.
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