Higher Education Access for Low Income Students
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Education
This research paper will explore the issue of higher education accessibility particularly for the low-income students and why this is an issue in the public discourses as well as propose solutions for this problem. This study has adopted Rawls theory of social justice in the process of proposing resolutions for the prevailing educational injustices in the American context. As such, this study proposed the following solutions: (1) Maximize investments towards the Pell Grant as well as simplify the financial assistance processes. reinforce congress support for Gear up and Trio programs to enhance college opportunities for low income students. Raise the bar for Minority-Serving Institutions and reinforce the institutions which serves the students well. Nevertheless, the report pointed out that there are a myriad of shortcomings jeopardizing the countries capability to affirm that college educational chances are available and accessible to all, not only to those individuals who can afford these opportunities (Education Department, 2016).
Background of the Study First and foremost, before delving to the notion of accessibility of higher education, it is imperative that it is made explicit who the low-income students actually are. In this study, the low income students will denote those students from relatively poor and struggling backgrounds. Their family’s significant efforts do not grant the necessary income required to satisfy their daily economic needs, in particular, they struggle to satisfy basic expenses such as food, housing, utility as well as encounter difficulties to secure health insurance (Bradford, 2014). Furthermore, their families work in jobs which offers minimal or handful benefits. Furthermore, it was established that student from low income families were compelled to attend less favourable institutions of higher learning. As of 2014, 77% of students from high income families accomplished a bachelor’s degree.
By contrast, only 9% of the students from low-income families managed to accomplish a bachelor’s degree (Cahalan, 2014). Unquestionably, bridging the rifts in higher education access and accomplishment across the diverse categories is paramount for the sake of Americas economic competitiveness and social mobility. Higher education generates tremendous profits for individuals, comprising relatively higher earnings, higher level of employment, improved working conditions, reduced level of poverty and unemployment, improved health as well as life expectancies. ” Besides, the supreme court deemed segregation based on social class or race to be rather unconstitutional. As such, it declared that the chance for accessing education, when granted by the federal and national government as a, “Right which must be availed to all individuals on equal terms basis. ” Nonetheless, despite such rulings, segregation in terms of social class and race has still persisted across the years.
For instance, as of 2014, 43. of students from high class background managed to access quality higher education from diverse prestigious colleges in America. Parents Involved in Community, the court confined the consolidation attempts within the handful number of districts which are racially diversified. Moreover, the court forbade districts from apparently adopting students race or class as an element in institution integration plans and only authorizing race or class neutral consolidation plans. Majority of individuals deemed this move as the Courts ultimate retreat from resolving the prevalent segregation in America (Edwards & Whitty, 2008). The prevailing of class and racial based marginalization in the United States and the consequent educational disadvantages that proceed are greatly grounded in the American System of geographically established school district. In particular, in such a system institutions are financed by local property taxes which vary significantly between districts grounded on property philosophies and values (Davis, 2017).
The essence of the Federal Pell Grant Program for elevating University access and subsequent fulfilment for students from relatively low income background cannot be simply overlooked. In particular, approximately 9. million undergraduates were beneficiaries of the Federal Pell Grant as of 2014-2015 financial year (Cooper & Huelsman, 2015). Unfortunately, across the years, elevation in terms of the Federal Pell Grant award have not been in alignment with the fast escalating costs of joining college. To be precise, the public four-year Universities and colleges, the overall Pell Grant catered 30 percent of the published expenses for fees, tuition, boarding and accommodation as of 2016-2017 financial year. Methodologically in depth studies undertaken by Mathematica and Westat Policy Research demonstrated that, Student Support services inspires persistence in the University, college grades, University credit accrual. Furthermore, talent search elevates applications for post-secondary enrolment as well as financial aid (Engle & Park, 2014).
In reference to a meta-analysis study which adopted a quasi-experimental research designs. This study established that diverse University access oriented programs and TRIO programs, elevated university enrolment by 14% points. In addition, other studies established that the cost-effectiveness of talent search, particularly, relative to various dropout prevention programs, in terms of boosting college completion. Nonetheless, the contemporary social justice movement have mostly underscored on the essence of eliminating hurdles of social mobility and creating economic justice. Social justice entrusts the duties and rights in the system of society, which facilitates individuals to obtain the basic advantages as well as burdens of cooperation. The relevant systems often entail ensuring fair allocation of resources, public services, public schools, public health, regulation of market, labour law and presenting equal opportunities (Hytten & Bettez, 2014). Defining Social Inclusion For the previous two decades, Social inclusion has been predominantly adopted by the government in order to attempt resolving some of the consequences of social injustice in the community.
In fact, Americas federal and national government have employed the phenomena of social inclusion as the premise of a myriad of social policy dimension, most notably, the welfare reforms. A substantial numbers of propagators of equality of educational opportunities concentrate on opportunities that are availed via K-12 as well as education institutions. Institutional opportunities are greatly regulated and under the government control, they educate the masses. However, concerns have emerged with regards to the K-12 educational colleges and institutions. In the sense that, the predominant question has been about the degree to which the government should attempt to resolve inequalities in terms of educational opportunities (Stamford, 2018). Formal Equality of Educational Allocations Formal equality of educational allocations denotes that formal rules should not be tailored in such a manner that they present hurdles to attaining specific educational objectives.
In the setting of education, merit is frequently established by components such as grade on exams or aptitude tests. Nonetheless, this point of view has some popular limitations, especially with regards to students, in scenarios where educational opportunities are distributed to those students who the best merit on the basis of entrance tests or best scores. This implies that the more educational chances a person has, consequently, the more merit that person will also has. To demonstrate another limitation with respect to the meritocratic phenomenon of equal educational distribution, is to showcase a scenario where all the prestigious University slot have been granted to students from the upper class. After decades of integrating superior education as well as jobs at the expense of the relatively poor families, consequently, the upper class are in a better position, therefore, inspiring socio-economic inequality among members of diverse classes (Presidents Office, 2015).
Education targeted at preparing the masses for employment has emerged as the utmost priority of the previous administration. This is because there is an evident correlation between educational achievement, employment and income level (Elkin & Clifford, 2014). Governments Regulation of Education Undoubtedly, the distribution of educational opportunities is to a great extent regulated and provided though the state. All advanced societies have a legal mandate requiring that all children must go through the school a specific number of years. Education is highly under the authority of state institutions and has the probability of reaching out to majority of the masses across diverse classes, races, and religious divides. For instance, opponents of this theory such as Rawls have asserted that decision-making and processes based on the utilitarian dimension may indirectly inspire unfair treatment of the marginalized population.
This is because the ultimate goal is to satisfy the majority while on the other hand leaving out the minority groups who may not have the voice. A perfect exemplar of this school of thoughts is the scenario of institutionalization of the mentally ill individuals for the greater good of the nation (Cahalan, 2014). Rawls Theory of Social Justice Rawls framework of social justice is regarded as the relatively most influential school of thoughts as far as social justice is concerned. The main premise of this conceptual framework is that all societal resources and services should be allocated equally unless in circumstances where unequal allocation of resources is to everybody’s advantage (Rawls, 2002). Recommendations This study will adopt Rawls theory of social justice in the process of proposing solutions for the prevalent education injustices in the American context.
The main premise of this conceptual framework is that all societal resources and services should be allocated equally unless in circumstances where unequal allocation of resources is to everybody’s advantage. The proposed solutions are as follows: 6. Maximize investments Towards the Pell Grant as well as Simplify the Financial Assistance Processes Apparently, the cost of higher education has proven to be relatively unaffordable for a significant number of students, most especially, those who come from first generation or low income families. Over the predating 30 years, tuition fee has amplified at approximately five times as compared to the rate of inflation, furthermore, it has escalated faster than the cost of healthcare (Harmon & Strawn, 2014). Reinforce Congress Support for GEAR UP and TRIO Programs to Enhance College Opportunities for Low Income Students A vital element to boost chances for low income students is the requirement to affirm that they are better prepared to enrol, succeed and fulfil their post-secondary education.
In order for that objective to be attained, it is necessary that reinforcement of federal support should be made an utmost priority. Especially as the students’ transition from middle school and subsequently to distinct institutions of higher learning. On the federal basis, diverse college outreach, preparation and early intervention programs concentrate on assisting to get ready for college education thriving. For instance, the GEAR UP program offers early intervention to high school and middle students crafted to elevate college attendance, success, fulfilment as well as elevate the anticipations of the marginalized students (Perna, 2015). Moreover, federal funds ought to be joint with the high expectations with respect to institutional betterment and performance to channel funds towards institutions which are admitting marginalized students and the same time serving them accordingly. Besides, the Department of Education ought to amplify their efforts in terms of empowering Minority Serving Institutions utilization of data for enhancement purposes.
As such, the Department of Education ought to constantly update data reporting procedures for Title 3 and Title 4 grants and generate data feedback instruments which would consequently assist institutions comprehend their performance and how they can go ahead to better their performance. Thoughtful utilization of data by educators and practitioners can assist in boosting student success (Engle & Park, 2014). Adjust Programs to Recognize the Local, Regional and National Setting and Attributes of Students Served Students higher education associated choices do not happen in a vacuum. Conclusion In sum, taking everything into account from the above study it is evident beyond any shadow of doubt that the issue of accessing higher education for the low income students is a pressing issue which has widened across the decades. To a great sense, this problem has been brought about by the notion of funding institutions in direct proportionate to their tax contribution, and not according to the degree of needy students.
As a consequence, social-economic inequality has been predominant inspired by the system. Despite the massive efforts to bridge this rift by adopting diverse policy initiatives, this problem has continued to persist across the years. This study has adopted Rawls theory of social justice in the process of proposing resolutions for the prevailing educational injustices in the American context. Department of Education, 8(3), 342-361. Cahalan, M. Participation in Higher Education in America. Leicester: Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education. Callender, C. Davis, R. College Access for the Working Poor. New York: Institute for Higher Education Policy. Education, U. D. Future of Children, 23(7), 118-139. Elyse, A. New Welfare Rules May Reduce Poor Americans Access to Higher Education. New York: The Chronicles of Higher Education. Engle, J. Hytten, K. Bettez, S.
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